Queen's WatchdogSmile (Noah's Ark Circus) He also admits, while crying, that he had invited Cheslock and the others to Sphere Music Hall, in hopes that word might eventually reach Ciel, so that Ciel would come and end it all, because he could not bring himself to do it. Ciel muses that the song must be unique to the Sphere Music Hall gathering, since he has never heard it before. [522], Ciel remarks that the property was "more of a bargain" than he expected. Alias She then begins crying. Sebastian tells Ciel that it is good that he chose to expand in this area, but he needs more knowledge than just data and statistics. Ciel realizes this would be the prime opportunity to meet the headmaster. Ciel is dumbfounded since Aleister Chamber didn't go anywhere last night. [175] Then, they head over to Undertaker. Ciel is the boy who will kill anyone that hurts you or is in his way. Surprised, Sebastian tells her that he can manage that. However, Lau assists them in their escape and escorts them to one of his opium dens, where they are accommodated with a bath, a change of clothing, and a meal. [555], Ciel opines that resurrecting the dead is madness, to which Undertaker replies that whether or not "Ciel" is alive should not matter because he should be happy to see his elder brother. Furthermore, the corpses lack intelligence; otherwise, they would have headed upstairs for more "food." Afterward, the officers allow them to pass. Ciel is disturbed by the revelation. He reminds Sebastian of Rule #87now all they have to do is wait for Derrick and the other boys to come out. He breaks free from Soma and leaves; alone, he softly repeats the very words he told Soma. When Joker admits that he is wrong for kidnapping the children for Kelvin, Ciel says that he is not wrong because he has fought for his own future. [427] He then shouts that everything he did was to clear his own shamehe is a selfish and self-righteous human, and he did it all for himself. [162] Soma claims they will lose the competition when he sees Sebastian rolling balls of dough. [453] Ciel suddenly fires a shot in the air, grabs Sieglinde, and heads for the elevator. At night, McMillan talks with Ciel. The list comprises of those from the House of Lords, Scotland Yard, and the military who have been attending the Sphere Music Hall. Unable to take any more, Sieglinde bursts out and accuses them of deceiving her. When he comes to, Sebastian tells him a butler is not allowed to dies before his masterhis senior, Tanaka, told him that. Sebastian and Ciel are left speechless after hearing this. He also asks Edward to let Snake take his place on the lifeboat because he has to go back. Secondly, Sebastian smiles and states that he's glad his "Young Master" has returned to him. Soon after, Ciel reveals that he does not know anything about Sebastian's past, just like the rest of them. [176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. Ciel scoffs, comparing said rivalry to the trivial rivalry of women. Alone with Sebastian, Ciel wrings his hair, saying he was an idiot to believe in verbal promises. In the storage compartment below, Ciel is startled to discover Snake. Joker, who has tried to interfere and got his arm cut off by Sebastian as a result, begs for Kelvin to be spared. There, they discover Patrick's corpse. Finnian tries to lunge on to Ciel, but Sebastian stops him. He tries to reach her, but his leg is caught. The guest of honor, Georg von Siemens, comes as well, and Ciel encourages them all to freely chat at the buffet. Sebastian bows and answers affirmatively. On the way, Sieglinde, speaking in German, asks how old Ciel is. [484], Abruptly, an agitated Edward Midford rushes in, shouting Ciel's name. [570], When Scotland Yard is about to catch up to them, the ceiling collapses, blocking their path. Edward asks what it is that has enchanted her, and Ciel suggests that Blavat has brainwashed her, to which Edward admits is possible. He assures him that they will meet again before bisecting the ship with his Death Scythe. He then tells Elizabeth to stay with Sebastian since it would be too dangerous. Ciel takes off his eyepatch and orders Sebastian to capture the culprits. [287] Sebastian, Ronald, and Grelle decide that the victor will get the spoils. He thinks inwardly that "Ciel" is not here anymoreonly Earl Phantomhive exists. [229], To the bewildered Arthur, Sebastian reveals that he is a demon and forces Arthur to never tell. The doors rapidly shut before they can get out. With the score Blue 105-Green 103, Lawrence starts to feel dejected. . The servants are determined to search outside, something Ciel cannot dissuade them from doing. Ciel precariously enters only to notice an abnormal, sweet fragrance in the air. [335], The next day at Swan Gazebo, Ciel is present at the P4's meeting. Instead, Tanaka comes, taking on Sebastian's position as the head butler. Ciel is about to answer negatively; however, exceedingly embarrassed after catching sight of Sebastian's laughing face, he stops and tells her they do not have time for this. Baldroy personally eliminated two men outside Ciel's bedroom. As Sebastian is bandaging Finnian's back's wounds, he is conflicted over Ciel's contradictory orders (before, Ciel confidently said they are not leaving until they solve the casenow he's yelling he wants to go home). Undertaker calls Ciel kind to give a nameless prostitute her own grave. Tanaka tells Ciel that it is part of the Japanese lantern festival. She stabs two corpses behind Ciel, and her tears fall on Ciel. Turning her back to Ciel, she faces the corpses, announcing that she is the daughter of the leader of the British knights and the wife of the Queen's Watchdog. It turns out their egg was fertilized and had been mixed in with the other eggs. Ciel is of above average intellegence and plans everything strategically, and it is unknown whether he . [271] Elizabeth cries that she did not want Ciel to see her like this. Ciel asserts that Funtom Corporation is in the entertainment business; it encompasses confectionery, toys, restaurants, and cafes, and, so, operating a theatre is natural. [569], When an officer spots them, they dash to Pitt's Lark Photographic Studio, with Finnian carrying Ciel. After they leave this area, they enter the second boiler room. "[353] A few days ago when Ciel and his teammates are strategizing for the game, Ciel suggests using music to act as a signal to effectively hit the ballthey don't have to look at the ball, but the need to hear the music's precise cue. Twin Ciels Theory | Why does Ciel hide his asthma? - YouTube Character Description: Ciel Phantomhive. However, because of Wolfram's surprise attack, Snake loses his grip on Ciel. As to why they became such a threat is left unclear. Ciel confidently replies that he has a trick to do everything. They then discover an important evidence in Karl's fireplace that clues into Georg's death. While Ciel is furiously waiting for Sebastian's return, people suddenly rush to buy Funtom's ladies' products. After Ciel hands Sebastian a paper which contains all of the new crowd-pleasers he has devised for opening night, he asks him about the blood research; Sebastian replies that he has yet to hear from Sieglinde. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea - visionquestoptical.in Ciel tells him to accommodate the children he invited from Lord Barton's orphanage when they arrive the next day. [534], Sebastian announces that Ciel's carriage is ready. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. He announces that he will be fighting from here on out. So that would be a good estimate since it wasn't stated in anime/manga Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian decide to head to Phantomhive Manor, as Ciel wants to be "certain" about a matter. [164] They open the curries up to the general public and declare the competition a tie. Sebastian remarks that the ring is actually very important to Ciel and that he had only put on an ostentatious show of throwing it away for Elizabeth. [576], Later, Lau and Sebastian report their abundant findings to Ciel, but not a single one provides conclusive evidence. He, then, declares that he will school Blavat and the others on "the art of the finest entertainment money can buy," with his Funtom Music Hall. When Ciel asks him where Blavat is, he says that Blavat has gone back to London, and then faints. Therefore, Lau concludes that this case is in Ciel's jurisdiction. Ciel and Edward turn around, and are dumbfounded when they see him with two prostitutes; Edward scolds Sebastian, and the women soon leave. Later, Ciel warns Sebastian to keep silent about his lie and then asks him what he is planning to do with the Phantomhive servants. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house,[8] the notorious Queen's Watchdog,[9] the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. [218] When they find that Patrick has a strange wound, Arthur initially attributes it to a needle injecting poison. Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. Ciel says they should win for Red House as well. Soma and Agni are thus disqualified; nonetheless, they do not hesitate to spring upon Ciel, crying in relief that he is not ill. Unsure of how to respond, Ciel hastily agrees and turns, stating that he will inform the servants to conceal the eggs. She eagerly shows off one particular egg to Ciel, asking him whether the flower pattern is nostalgic. While Gregory sketches charcoal drawings (Ciel notes that each one is nothing like the model), they discuss June 4th's main event-the Inter-Dormitories Cricket Tournament. He hands over the reins to McMillan and rushes toward him. Sebastian and Agni fight for a while. Just like Sebastian, Ciel often annoys her. After Sebastian accommodates the guests, he dries Ciel. Maurice brightly tells Ciel that the P4 are requesting his presence at 4PM the next day at Swan Gazebo. Ciel states that he will stop putting them both to use, and that he has never considered Soma a friend. Ciel reads the letter: the Queen tells him that she enjoyed the tea party with Sieglinde Sullivan the other day and asks him, for Charles Phipps's sake, which one of the cakes she sent home he likes most. He is unable to stop it; his skin also starts changing color. After their meeting, they head to the stronghold of Indian people. [311], After the competition is over, everyone regroups outside for some snacks and Ciel presents Elizabeth's egg to her. Jeremy says that Georg initially feigned his death, but was truly killed later; therefore, alibis are invalid. DRINKING TEA WITH CIEL PHANTOMHIVE <3. When Ciel argues that that is for the audience to decide, Blavat states that it is unlikely for Ciel, who failed to win the heart of Elizabeth Midford, to the win the heart of the public. Nevertheless, this is all according to Ciel's planhe has already used Sebastian to set up giant speakerphones so the P4 can hear their entire confrontation. Lawrence immediately states that he is being rude. Ciel notes that the food is expensive, and wonders how they manage to pay for it. Sebastian: Your Tea, Young Master *Presents Tea to Ciel* Ciel: It took you long enough Sebastian: Unfortunately..we were out of Earl Gray. Finnian scolds them for doing so in front of Ciel. They welcome everyone to the "S4 Sirius-Limited Event," and say that everyone has given their best that week and that they wish for them to continue shining radiantly; thus they will deliver the "light of healing" via "Starlight Shower. Therefore, Finnian is stationed with him continuously. [473] Piqued, Ciel replies he does not need to hear that from a demon who has not changed in centuries. [326], The next day, however, Ciel is stupefied when Edward Midford, Herman Greenhill's fag accuses him of being two hours latethe invitation was for 2PM. [146], They return to the manor; shortly after, Agni and Soma return as well. [81] Ciel then retreats to his study where he is grabbed by an unseen attacker. Alarmed, Elizabeth is about to insist that she will accompany him when Sebastian quickly knocks her out. He instructs Snake to "clean up"; they'll be following their suspect. [332] Maurice has two quirksone, he gives flower-shaped cards to some of the boys. In the second season, Ciel's height is 158cm (5'2"). [14] On the left side of his body is the mark of the "noble beast", which he was branded with during his time as a slave in a cult. Amused, "Ciel" declares that the head of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, is actually he. The chefs are introduced, and they soon begin cooking. [440] He adds that he wanted to thank her before leaving; he just wanted to offer her a chance to go to the outside world. After Ciel's bowling style is exposed, everyone claims it's dirty, unfair, and unbefitting an Englishman. [79], In his bedroom, Ciel absentmindedly reaches for his blue ring and remembers that it is gone. Edgar, Lawrence, Herman, and Gregory welcome him to the "elegant, traditional, high class, and bizarre Midnight Tea Party." [487], After Ciel, Sebastian, and Edward arrive at the Sphere Music Hall, Edward points out the absence of Elizabeth, Herman, Edgar Redmond, Lawrence Bluewer, and Gregory Violet. Ciel did the same with some evening tea and Grim a bottle of juice. [527], At Ciel's office in Funtom Music Hall, Ciel tells the Phantom Five that they must perform well. Undertaker adds that there might be interesting developments lurking behind the "end credits." She ends the letter with a question asking Ciel for his thoughts on the subject. Regaining consciousness, with blood flowing out of his mouth, Sebastian agonizingly roarswith all his strength, he clasps Ciel's outstretched hand. Snake and Baldroy are unable to come to his aid. Noticing that his compass is spinning wildly, Ciel comments that there must be mineral resources nearby. The dorm supervisor then introduces himself as Professor Michaelis. The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. Sebastian suddenly falls to the floor in pain. Although the other boys start ostracizing Ciel because of his behavior towards the P4, Sebastian and Ciel lay out their planthey will separately observe Maurice's movements to uncover his methods. He angrily grabs her dress and rips it, yelling that if she dies, she will never be able to wear the clothes she loves so much ever againit is all over when she dies. Sebastian apologizes for not accommodating them earlier since he has no idea guests were coming, and he prepares them tea. Ciel then discovers a photo of the first-string members of the circus with an unknown man by a workhouse. Ciel demands that she returns it, and his fierceness makes her cry. PhantomhiveThe British Royal FamilyFuntom CorporationFaustian contract [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. Ciel notes that Tanaka is as strict as ever. "S-Sebastian," Ciel managed to stammer. He adds that he can't believe that Undertaker took a job at a school. Ciel starts drowning in the memories of his traumatic past. Ciel has a fianc. Ciel questions Rian; he then reveals that their troubles are not overthe front freight storage has ten times the amount of "living corpses. They figure out Patrick's time of death, and then gather together for dessert to discuss the chain of deaths. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. [48] Due to his affliction and poor health, he often had to stay inside Phantomhive Manor while "Ciel" and his cousin Elizabeth Midford played outside with Angelina[49] or while his parents and brother went to boat tours. [62], A year later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to his room, complaining of a wobbly tooth that was preventing him from eating his food properly. Sebastian smiles and replies that it was an emergency. As soon as he allows them to begin, Francis runs off, and Ciel tries to get Elizabeth to hop down off of his horse. [365], Derrick, however, turns out to be a Bizarre Doll who viciously bites Herman on the arm. Ciel Phantomhive Black Butler Absolute Anime [546], Then, Ciel composes himself, asserts that he wants an assessment of the situation, and suggests that they do a sweep of the place. Ciel speaksbecause of his carelessness, they all suffered and worried. Jeremy reveals it to be a snake. [567] Afterward, Sebastian carries Ciel out of the woods, where they meet with the Phantomhive servants, who have arrived on a wagon to "pick up their wages. [140], Soma accepts the challenge, but when he is about to lose, Agni intervenes to protect his prince and injures Ciel's arm in the process. [411] He even offers to take Ciel outside, but Ciel replies he's extremely afraid. Upon seeing the splendid horses, Francis challenges Ciel to a hunting contest, and she taunts him by saying that hunting is too strenuous for the Earl since he has a small, skinny build, similar to a girl's. Sebastian quietly tells him to clear the dishes and leave. Ciel attempted to protest the idea but Sebastian proceeded regardless, under the impression that he was doing his young master a favor. [572], Later, the Phantomhive household, dressed in Chinese clothing, is served a luxurious meal consisting of Chinese dishes. Undertaker replies that he will tell him since he has been paid his fee. [188], Unexpectedly, Doll helps him avoid detection from the other members. Karl Woodley wants to leave, but Ciel does not let him, so he attempts to attribute the murders to Ciel's doing as the Queen's Watchdog. Ciel tells him to redirect his pleas to Sebastian. In the club room, Ciel and Sebastian encounter one of the members and do the "Phoenix Pose." [243] At the door of the Aurora Society's meeting room, Sebastian and Ciel pause for a bit. After their slight banter, she realizes that they are both here on the Queen's business. [66], One night, intruders invaded Phantomhive Manor. Ciel can speak French fluently and understands Latin. Ciel is very smart for a twelve/ thirteen-year-old. Ciel comments in spite of his mental immaturity, Soma is quite capable in almost every area. [132] Ciel accidentally bumps into a man and the latter begins screaming for help, claiming that his ribs cracked. "[496], Afterward, Ciel, Edward, and the other attendees exit the music hall. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. Clayton tells Ciel that Ciel was chosen because of his brains and guts which will be valuable to the team. [254], Ciel tells Elizabeth and Snake to run. Blood type Sebastian carries an astounded Sieglinde as they travel downwards. Ciel tells him to explain Patrick's murder. For instance, he once jumped in front of a bear to guard Elizabeth Midford,[27] and he also attempted to protect her from a horde of Bizarre Dolls. He discovers that his fiance, Elizabeth Midford, is responsible for this. [203], Sometime later, Ciel and Sebastian board a train. [429] Sitting up in bed, Ciel suddenly puts his foot on Sebastian's shoulderhe asks Sebastian if he was really trying to eat him just now. When Sebastian finally returns to Ciel's side, he has prepared the meal; however, they are interrupted by news about a werewolf attack. Because Weston is a school for the nobility, Ciel decides it would be best to infiltrate it himself. Phantomhive ManorPhantomhive townhouse, LondonThe Campania (briefly)Weston College (former) Sieglinde thanks Victoria and promises to prove her worth. Heinrich, his butler, states it is an honor to meet Ciel; he reminds him of his father. a process in the weather of the heart; marlin 336 white spacer replacement; milburn stone singing; miami central high school football; horizon eye care mallard creek Video game debut The P4 arrive, and Edgar Redmond sees Ciel standing on the grass. Ciel Phantomhive | Kuroshitsuji Wiki | Fandom [439] Ciel responds that there's no reason for her to be surprised since she herself is a witch. [342] Ciel sighs and then tells Sebastian to help put out the fire. Japanese voice Ciel instructs Sebastian not to let the "signal" out of his sight. how to parry in street fighter alpha 3 . He sleeps with a gun under his pillow. After the death of his parents he took over the company and became the head of the Phantomhive familly. Sebastian apologizes, stating he knows he has failed as a Phantomhive butler. Furthermore, she wants them to tell her all about the outside world since she has never left this place. He snaps at Soma before going to his bedroom. He hears the Viscount's voice talking to a certain audience, announcing that Ciel is the item they have been anticipating. The milk splashes all over Ciel. Sebastian then informs him that Tanaka has called and said that Elizabeth Midford is currently at Phantomhive Manor and she refuses to go home before seeing Ciel. Sebastian recognizes military elite and prominent members of the House of Lords, and Ciel says that they were on Grey's list. [65] Several days later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to the Phantomhive Room. She knows that English-speaking fans call him "Our Ciel" which she thinks is cute. [250] After destroying the corpse, he asks Sebastian if he is the rumored "Sebas-chan"; Sebastian retorts that he has an aversion to that nickname. He then sets Ciel down on a chair, releases his binds, and finishes Azzurro off. [110], Angelina comments that it is sad Ciel has figured it out, because now they cannot play chess together anymore. Ciel replies that he wants a strong wife now. Sebastian shows him the dessert he has already preparedunfortunately, he smiles, Ciel will have to eat it later. "[568], Now as fugitives, the Phantomhive household visits the Funtom Corporation headquarters in hopes of taking refuge there. When Sieglinde asks him what he will do, Ciel admits that Elizabeth and the other participants will not listen to reason, and Sebastian agrees, saying that they are all thoroughly under the spell. He mentions that the next day is a Friday, meaning Ciel, who is protected by Sirius, can attend the event. In the process of the sacrifice, "Ciel" was stabbed in the chest and died. [407] He recalls being locked up in a cage with two other boys. [222], Just then, the Phantomhive servants haul in the "thirteenth person," but Ciel quickly recognizes him as Jeremy Rathbone. [84], Afterward, Sebastian arrives and attempts to hand over the ransom, but Azzurro has hidden men shoot him multiple times, inflicting seemingly fatal wounds. Ciel reasons that such is due to Arthur Randall's eagerness to eliminate them. Soma remarks that he must shelter his benefactors who had saved him from the Indians. After the four announce that they will be singing a song called "Shining Star," the lyrics and music of which composed by Blavat, they proceed to sing and dance, to the crowd's delight, while Ciel and Edward remain stunned. [528], After a Phantom Five performance, Ciel, along with Sebastian, comes down the stairs in Funtom Music Hall, spots Blavat among the crowd, and greets him. Finally, Ciel and Sebastian talk with Wolfram. The shopkeeper mistakes Sebastian as the owner of "Master's" cane, to Ciel's annoyance. He cannot rest until he has met with Derrick Arden or his friends. [28] Additionally, he is attentive to the needs of his servants; when he heard that they desired new items, he took them shopping and provided them with necessities. [35] With the Funtom Corporation, he is simultaneously striving for revenge and realizing his childhood dream, a move "Ciel Phantomhive" deems astute. Sebastian softly comments that the sea is full of Bizarre DollsCiel is the only survivor left in the water. She is excited until she notices Ciel's blue ring. Sebastian is unable to help Elizabeth, for he is fending off attacks from both Ronald and Grelle. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel and clamps his hand over his mouth, startling him. [185] Freckles then pulls him to the showers, and when Ciel is unwilling to bathe in public, Freckles forcefully strips him and sees the mark he got when he was a slave in a cult. Sebastian explains why he thinks that destroying the music hall and its "charismatic celebrities," the S4 and Blavat, will work in their disfavor. They decide to do their best to hurry with the investigation. She, then, requests for him to visit the Sphere Music Hall, which is a popular music hall that holds mysterious gatherings every Saturday, to investigate, disclosing her concern: with the absence of social classificationmen and women of all ages are enthralled by it, "be they peers or laborers"and the sheer number of attendeesthe street in front of the hall tends to teem with carriages on Saturday nights. Season 1, Episode 1 He brushes aside Sebastian's offer of asking for a more detailed reason, stating that it is the job of the Watchdog to "get excited and run as soon as you throw a bone at it. 6 Ciel Phantomhive Loves Earl Grey Tea (Black Butler) Black Butler's Ciel Phantomhive is almost always seen with a cup of earl grey tea. On the ball he bowls, he uses specific trajectory calculations to ensure Edward's defeat.