"It sounded like someone shooting guns. OAHU, Hawaii (NEXSTAR) On the day that will live in infamy December 7, 1941 2,403 U.S. personnel were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The planes flew up the Sepik River from the northern coast of New Guinea. Anderson went aboard the USS Edsall, a destroyer that supported various military action at sea and ashore. He took up golf seriously in Palm Springs and played in the Bob Hope Classic six times, once on a team with crooner Johnny Mathis. She nods and smiles. And the ships needed experienced sailors. "I cleaned up my language," he says, admitting he deployed a salty vocabulary, even after leaving active duty. Within a day or two, someone came into the ward and said a few of the wounded would be sent to California. Japanese relieved at no Pearl Harbor apology - DW - 12/28/2016 What Do Sharks Eat? - American Oceans Among those killed were over 1,700 aboard the USS Arizona, 103 . "In the service, if you didn't use nasty words, you weren't a good sailor.". Conter attended the same event and was seated next to Valerie. Photos of the ship and other survivors at reunions in Honolulu. As he waited, he had a feeling he knew what would happen, but he didn't say anything. For over an hour, in two waves, some 350 Japanese aircrafthaving taken off from six . The Navy loaded 5,000 bunks on board, along with a row of portable latrines, and the Saratoga sailed to San Francisco, passing under the Golden Gate Bridge with toilet paper streamers and thousands of sailors who needed something to do. "He saved six people's lives. In the waters off Honolulu, he confronted his memories. He was active in those groups for many years, serving as president of one devoted to the Arizona. He was thrown into the ocean and waited 57 hours to be rescued while shipmates around him were eaten by sharks. Redfish. The song, "Hound Dog" and the singer, Elvis Presley, both went over pretty well, the way Cactus Jack remembers it. He knew he was near release the day an officer came by and launched into a pep talk about the war and the Navy's role in it. He was on Ford Island when the Japanese attacked, training for new assignment. It's in good shape for a paper.". I'd been told things like that before. Handout . "To see the people I knew back in those days," he says. he met his contact and not long after, he was standing in for Orson Welles in a scene from the movie "The Stranger.". "Next thing you know, I'm in a movie with John Wayne," Anderson says years later. The Tennessee took hits in the attack, but two of the armor piercing bombs, the kind that sunk the Arizona, failed to detonate. is clu gulager still alive did sharks attack titanic survivors. Cook made it to his battle station on Dec. 7, 1941, but the Arizona was moored in a cramped harbor and couldn't have fired the big guns even in a prolonged assault. All those sailors from all those places and here was a guy who was practically a neighbor. Just another site did sharks eat pearl harbor victims The burn ward filled with the injured. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Soon, he became one of the earliest TV weathermen and an evening fixture in Roswell homes, or at least those with televisions. Bruner was one of them. This all changed when the United States declared war on Japan, bringing the country into World War II. Song's got some zip to it, he said. The USS Shaw explodes after being hit by bombs during the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in this December 7, 1941 photo. And there's a trophy in the corner the paneled room that means as much as anything else there. Bruner's neighbor, who has become a close friend and a source of transportation, picks the fruit to keep it from rotting on the ground. The job wasn't what he expected in September, when he was discharged from the Navy. Conter's plane hadn't been out long in September 1943 when enemy bullets pierced one of their rear hatches and hit a parachute flare. Lou Conter is telling the story of the night his patrol bomber was shot down seven miles off the coast of New Guinea, dumping the seaplane's 10-man crew into the Pacific Ocean. After that, he started teaching U.S. troops the skills of survival, evasion, resistance and escape. As he walked past a bar, still in his Navy uniform, a fellow popped out the door and looked Anderson up and down, checking him out more closely someone would ordinarily. "Are you out of the Navy, Andy?" While this is a genuine threat to safety, it continues to remain statistically unlikely. "I canned 500 quarts of fruit one year," Marietta says. The crews were based on tender ships moored in secluded harbors. Years later, at a reunion in Tucson, Cook learned that one of his buddies from the Arizona had been sent to the Lexington and was in the Coral Sea when the carrier was attacked. An electro-mechanical computer would aim the guns. About halfway through the cruise, the Pringle was ordered to accompany the battleship Iowa to Africa, where President Roosevelt was to attend a conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Morocco. Crippled ships still floated around the mooring posts along Ford Island. Not war stories, usually, not unless one of them has had it out with a doctor or a pushy clerk. Potts had not returned to Honolulu in the decades since he left for San Francisco in 1945. Five years later, in 2011, he got a call from the band director at Timpview High School in Provo. Rays. A stunt coordinator helped pull Anderson from the pile of cigarette crates that had broken his fall. Pearl Harbor was the site of the unprovoked aerial attack on the United States by Japan on December 7, 1941. did sharks eat pearl harbor victimssig sauer minimalist folding stock. "When somebody says get out of here and you're on a hundred tons of ammunition, well, you don't question it," he says. Pearl Harbor attack, (December 7, 1941), surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, Hawaii, by the Japanese that precipitated the entry of the United States into World War II. He wasn't ready to see it all again, to sharpen the memories he'd tried to dull. If a shark comes too close, hit it in the nose with your fist as hard as you can.". He keeps it with him when he travels. '", "Some things," he says, "you don't know about what they'll mean until years later.". The marching band had been invited to fly to Pearl Harbor and perform at activities commemorating the 70thanniversary of the attack. They continued to see each other and, when Langdell left for Hawaii, they corresponded, often. On one mission, Haerry's tender was tied to a larger ship as the crew delivered supplies and completed maintenance tasks. "If you can stand up and stay up while we change the linen on this bed, we'll see about it.". Bruner laughs as he remembers the conversation. At dawn on December 7, 1941, more than half of the United States Pacific Fleet, approximately 150 vessels and service craft, lay at anchor or alongside piers in Pearl Harbor. The Macdonough stayed until September, then sailed back on patrol in the Pacific. He didn't know what to tell them. He wasn't happy where he was, so he loaded up his big 12-cylinder Lincoln Zephyr and headed west. 9. . Nightmares invade his sleep when he remembers those final moments. He describes the store of booze they pulled out of safe and the money. 5 Jun. A while later, he and Marietta were on the road again, to a missile base in Sturgess, S.D., to gas lines in Wisconsin and North Dakota. "From down inside, it wasn't too bad when they fired it," Cook said. did sharks eat pearl harbor victims. Not long after he returned to Pearl Harbor near the end of the war, Anderson searched out some of the battle reports from Dec. 7, 1941. Uncle Ray was nearing the end of his career in 1937 when John and Jake both decided to enlist. Nobody was expecting anything like that.". They found a way to take prints from the edges of his fingers, enough to satisfy the law. CARNIVOROUS SHARKS. Peeling potatoes. It sits a little higher than most items, but not necessarily on a platform. Nobody could debate what that was, no question about it.". 4. But he is proud of his service, of the other sailors on the Arizona. Pearl Harbor, naval base and headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Honolulu county, southern Oahu Island, Hawaii, U.S. So you see how that works."). It was as if he had none. Ray Jr. seems surprised. niagara this week flyer delivery. "The nights up there were already short, so I didn't get much sleep," Cook says. The guns hit the periscope. war. They danced. Sight-setters and pointers would locate targets visually and determine their distance and range. Since the 1920s . Sailors found food and shelter wherever they could. A few years ago, the Cooks attended a fund-raising dinner at a local American Legion post. That led to a job in Roswell, the Sagebrush Serenade and Elvis Presley. Lonnie finally retired from welding in 1982 and in 1994, the Cooks moved back to Morris. Crustaceans. Photographs. Three months before he would mark 30 years with the company, he was let go, bought out like a lot other older workers in those days. His wife, Libby, who died two years ago. "I went and found the head guy and by the time I got through explaining things to him," Potts says, "my name was never on that list again.". He then spent 14 months recovering in Great . You need the exercise. Stratton falls easily into the memories of his years on diving boats. The ships sent up their own planes and turned back the assault. I had to take them to the parties and sit there until it was over.". I wanted to know if you could do it for a couple of weeks.". Conter was talking about survival, about coming back alive. On a fall day in 1945, John Anderson teetered on the base of a church steeple 110 feet above the ground. The ship accompanied General Douglas MacArthur to the Philippines and was anchored in the harbor off Nagasaki, Japan, when the second atomic bomb exploded. There's a little air bubble. Pearl Harbor attack | Date, History, Map, Casualties - Britannica "I ran the decompression chamber on jobs. by Pia Peterson. He fiddles with the radio. I said, 'You send her over, I'll re-enlist.' Late in the year, after an overhaul in San Francisco, the Coghlan returned to patrol duty off the Aleutians with a half dozen other U.S. vessels. 12/28/2016. He had stopped at Pearl Harbor more than a decade earlier, on his way to a posting in Korea. Island Stories: The Guardian Sharks of Puuloa on Oahu "What houses they built!" The men followed orders in a fog of wonderment and confusion. ", He stops in front of a newspaper, the front page of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin with the headline: "WAR! Sometimes, Japanese pilots attended memorial ceremonies and some of the other survivors would shake their hands. He said he wanted Anderson to join the on-air staff. He settled in Palm Springs and built a career as a real estate developer, buying up land for commercial and residential projects. "The sea was real rough when it came in and the sharks started gathering around. He doesn't need to say which Saturday night by now. "That's what I'm catching up now. By the end of the day, had persuaded Anderson to sign up for the Navy Reserve. Hawaii Sharks | Incidents List Someone from the bureau had been asking questions. The Navy captain who lived on Waikiki Beach gave a lot of parties and invited these guys. Sometimes he can't control his emotions, so he declines speaking requests. A woman from Illinois drew Bruner's name. He felt a tap on his shoulder. For some reason I had always thought that the titanic had gone down way farther North. "Can you tell me what ship did he go on after the Arizona?" Abe's Pearl Harbor speech has been well received in Japan, where most people expressed the opinion that it struck the right balance of regret that the Pacific war occurred, but offered . As his stint was about to end, the Navy decided to transfer him back to Pearl Harbor. He left home at 5 every morning and took a ferry from Jamestown to the Navy base. @webtv.net wrote in message. What do great white sharks eat in Hawaii? Langdell had borrowed a car, a Dusenburg, for the honeymoon. Without them, Riel said, who knows where we'd be today. On the same bookshelf sit mementos from his time on the Arizona. He did not reach a hospital for several days, but doctors still saved his hand. 30 Chilling Photos From The Attack On Pearl Harbor - BuzzFeed Part of his shoulder was blown off. Hetrick shrugs, trying to get comfortable in the recliner. did sharks eat pearl harbor victims. The trophy sits on a small white base that raises it above other items on a shelf. When, on July 30, 1945, USS Indianapolis was sunk by a Japanese submarine, the Navy didn't realize the ship had been lost until four days later - after which hundreds of men floating in the ocean for days had been eaten by sharks.. Toward the end of July 1945, the Portland-class heavy cruiser USS . The two men not only met, they took a boat to the USS Arizona memorial and laid a wreath in front of the wall with the names of the crewmen who died on the ship. Three days later, he and his buddy were on a ship to San Francisco and then a train to Pensacola. Farther down the paneled wall hangs a painting of the USS Arizona, the battleship Navy recruit Potts boarded in December 1939. He stayed on the 17thfloor of a hotel on Waikiki Beach. Born in 1914, seven months after the first bolts were tightened on a new battleship in Brooklyn, Langdell grew up wooded agricultural area along the Souhegan River in southern New Hampshire. UPDATE: Bruner died in 2019. She was attending an art academy to learn dress designing. LaRocque took Anderson to San Pedro, where his current ship was anchored. Stratton climbed to his feet and, biting back the pain, he stood and when his bed was ready, he collapsed back into it. Bruner started as a painter, trained as a carpenter, then helped start a new sheet-metal department. It's the same place where the oil is leaking" oil stores aboard the ship that, even today, still seep to the surface "that's where I got out from below.". More than 20 years earlier, he had earned his real estate license in California and had maintained it. He asked what the fellow did. His younger son believes the experience changed his dad forever. However, larger shark species like to eat large marine mammals and large fish species, including dolphins, sea lions, tuna, mackerel, and seals. Bruner was the second-to-last man to leave the sinking ship. He joined the Navy because it seemed like a better environment. "He called me one night and said if you won't let me come to California, I found a lady who's got a new black Buick and I'm going to move to Texas.". The man told him later he had broken both his hips in one of the explosions and had survived only because Hetrick was there to urge him on. Sharks hunt fish by using sensory receptors located on their sides. Today, the population can almost reach 1,500 when everyone is home. But he kept most of it to himself until he started meeting up with other survivors, years after he retired from the military. Lonnie had taken up trap shooting and hoped to do a little hunting back home. 2022-06-16 Uncategorized Uncategorized a director yelled. "We can't forget what happened there that day. His kids and grandkids. did sharks eat pearl harbor victimsi miss you text art copy and paste. One of our cruisers, the heavy cruiser, got hit and water got into the oil. They bought a small ranch and, while Lonnie continued to work welding jobs, they grew walnuts, almonds, peaches, apples, nectarines, cherries and grapes. The smell of burned skin filled the air. The smile widens. Hetrick recovered. John was sent from training camp in Illinois to Bremerton, Wash. Finally, after a few weeks on the tanker, Potts was handed a new assignment. The best time for a bombing raid was after 1 a.m., when the ship was quiet. "It's always been my fear that people are going to forget that day, that people are going to forget the sacrifice that was made that day.". Inside the packets were the captains' new orders, military secrets, classified information that required clearance to handle. All but one of the Pacific fleet's battleships were in port that morning, most of them moored to quays flanking Ford Island. Japan wanted the northern Pacific to control its shipping routes and block U.S. attacks from that direction. Bruner lives alone, in a post-war neighborhood in the far northern edges of Orange County. Langdell says only this: "It took two days to take all the bodies. He knew his brother hadn't made it off the Arizona alive, but he didn't know much else. on the Arizonawhen the battleship sankon Dec. 7. the final survivor to be interred in the ship. "Sure, let's see it." Hetrick was on board during battles at Midway and Wake Island and for the U.S. invasion of Iwo Jima early in 1945. As he prepared to jump off the burning ship, he took the shoes off and set them on the quarterdeck. Naming Pearl Harbor. His mother suggested Hills Business College in Oklahoma City. Cook was discharged in 1948 in San Diego and stuck around California, where he worked as a metal finisher at Van Nuys manufacturing plant. They hopped in a Jeep and head up the hill toward one of the Quonset huts, the one where liquor for the officers' clubs was stored. "What's up with this one? The guns used the same type of control mechanisms Bruner had mastered on the Arizona. But he could not be prepared for what he found on the charred hulk of the battleship. Two deer racks (his wife shot one, his son the other). Photographs hang on the walls of his room. I even had a couple of dates with girls.". He tried to save as many injured crewmen as he could, but when the sun set on Dec. 7, 1941, he was one of just 335 sailors who did not perish. I still get to the point when I'm talking about it, first thing you know, I go to bed at night, wake up and can't sleep for a week.". He told Ray about the plans to honor Pearl Harbor survivors at the statehouse. Williams was in the Arizona's band. Enemy patrol planes spotted the ships and the raid was canceled. As the 50thanniversary of the attack neared, Langdell got a call from a documentary filmmaker. For a long time, he didn't think he would ever return to Pearl Harbor. "I'm going to be back out there one of these days," Conter said, his voice wistful as he watches a foursome trying to stay on the greens. Clayton Schenkelberg, who was born in 1917 in Iowa and joined the U.S. Navy in 1937, died in a senior care facility April 14 in San Diego. "When I got back home, my doctors here wanted to know about my medical background," Bruner said. He resumed one of his old jobs from the Arizona, piloting motor launches from the receiving station out to the Navy ships. 1914-1941:The mightiest ship at sea | Dec. 7, 1941: The attack that changed the world| Documentary: 'Witness to Infamy' | 2014: The final toast. After about six months of training in San Diego, Hetrick returned to Honolulu and joined the USS Saratoga, the sister ship of the Lexington. We'd go out and blow them up.". The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, just before 8:00 a.m. (local time) on Sunday, December 7, 1941. In Hawaiian custom, sharks were cared for by families who fed them and kept their bodies free of barnacles. A few days later, the drove through the crumbling streets of Hiroshima. He finally found people who understood his experience. Potts says, shaking his head. popeyes vs chicken express; do venmo requests expire In U.S. history the name recalls the surprise Japanese air attack on December 7, 1941, that temporarily crippled the U.S. Fleet and resulted in the United States' entry into World War II. "It's where the war started.". The Coghlan approached the Aleutians in October, as winter was pushing fall aside. The venture was working out well. Someone had stacked the boxes too high and in the humid environment of the island, the cardboard had grown damp and weak. Back on land, Cook followed welding jobs from Kentucky and Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Long Island, west to North Dakota and Wisconsin and finally to a ranch house in Salinas, Calif., where he raised a family and stayed put for almost 30 years. The Coghlan's crew battled just to keep the guns free of ice as they headed toward their next target. After the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the United States opted to construct a naval base in 1899. He would work in the port director's office, delivering sealed packets to the captains of Navy ships. The countries of Japan and The United States had been at odds for several decades before the attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941. "I told the men, 'If a shark comes close, hit it in the nose with your fist as hard as you can.'". The United States was a neutral country at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into World War II the next day. A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. We swept the decks and took the small bones. In World War II, he fought at Guadalcanal, in the battle of the Coral Sea, at Okinawa and Iwo Jima. He asked for volunteers. He tried not to remember the days after the attack. The woman helped connect Bruner with other survivors from the Arizona and Pearl Harbor. A few weeks later, Conter and his buddy passed a flight test at sea and on Nov. 1, they got their orders: Report to Navy flight school in Pensacola, Fla. Two weeks later, the Arizona's captain called the two sailors in and told them the ship was headed back to Long Beach in early December. He was soon aboard the USS Frazier, which left the shipyard at San Francisco in July 1942. "These guys were the first heroes of the war, even though the war hasn't been declared," Ray Jr. says. Sentiment ran high against the Japanese, he said, but also against U.S. leaders whose decisions many questioned in the aftermath. "Well, I'd brushed enough paint on that damn ship, I figured I could do it," he says. Pictures of past parades. At the time, sailors wore patches designating their rates, the enlisted expression of rank, on the right or left sleeve, depending on their assignment. A painting of the Arizona hangs on the wall of a sitting room. Sea turtles. An impressive collection of restaurant menus from 30 years of cross-country searches for used cars. But he didn't want to start his civilian life in the brig, so he left it in Honolulu. He . Joe proposed and Libby accepted. 9 Things You Might Not Know About the Attack on Pearl Harbor He met up with some of the guys from the turret crew and they hopped a boat to shore, where there was a call for volunteers to join the Navy's destroyers. She likes the story of how they tied the knot. "OK," Bruner said. I wasn't working for nothing.". And it holds deep meaning for Potts, even though he did nothing to win it. On the other end of the line is an old shipmate from the USS Saratoga, the aircraft carrier where Hetrick worked as a mechanic through most of World War II. They were married in an Episcopal Church on Van Ness Avenue. He would become the final survivor to be interred in the ship. Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) The whale shark is the largest shark species, and also the biggest fish species in the world. "I'd already sent word, even before the first one got there," he says. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. He could see the band was sincere. "It was like a hard jolt.". They stayed composed as their stories were told, stories of bravery, of quick thinking. The parties sometimes dragged into the early morning hours. Haerry nods and like a good sailor taking orders from the chief, he pulls himself up with a walker and shuffles off to lunch. "It ain't worth a damn if it ain't loaded," he says. Were there sharks Pearl Harbor? He wanted to part of it. "The station wagon was for the captains of some of the ships that would come in," he said. Nation Observes 80th Anniversary of Attack on Pearl Harbor "That must be old Clyde Williams," he thought, the Arizona band member killed at Pearl Harbor. "It's just not going to happen. "Iremember hearing explosions at first," he says. One of the survivors would receive the Rhode Island Cross. On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy bombed the Pearl Harbor Naval base in a surprise attack. Ke awa lau o Puuloa, the bay and lochs that make up the complex most people know simply as Pearl Harbor, was once the home of the guardian sharks, Kaahuphau and her brother Kahiuk. I asked the boss, 'how many hours is in a day for you?' OAHU BOMBED BY JAPANESE PLANES", "That's one of the first extras that was put out that day," Potts says. It was the first time Randy, his son, had seen his father cry. The treaty also gave the US Navy exclusive access to use Pearl Harbor as a coaling and repair station. In time, he felt no anger toward the Japanese, but he couldn't forget what they did. ", "Baloney," Conter replied. 1. But he clutches the cap and puts it on as he sits in an easy chair by the window. He's not sure he'd have learned that lesson if he hadn't enlisted in the Navy. A pistol sits on top of his television at home. His dad operated a livery stable and a small dairy and later earned money as an auctioneer. Only 35 dead were . "He remembers body parts in the water, charred burned bodies that he swam by," his son Ray, Jr., says. By early 1941, Langdell was one of the "90-day wonders" and drew his first assignment: The USS Arizona. After the war, Langdell returned to the family auction business in Massachusetts, but after all those years in Hawaii, the Philippines and in the tropical South Seas, he couldn't readjust to the cold. Their ordeal . He asked if Jeanne could come with him. He was eating breakfast when he heard the first pops of the attack planes strafing Battleship Row. He will answer questions about that December day when he escaped the burning wreckage of the Arizona, reciting as many of the details as he can remember. "We didn't hear much from the outside at first," Hetrick said. They knew the oil tanker Tippecanoe was out there, but couldn't see her. The Hirasaki family suffered some of the worst losses that terrible morning. With a gun, he could defend himself. Their habitats include saltwater and freshwater alike. He and a buddy had been talking about their future in the Navy. "I didn't have the slightest idea what would happen when I signed up," he said. As soon as he turned 18, he enlisted in the Navy. Conter told him about the lost orders. he said. 11 Oldest Pearl Harbor Survivors (Updated 2021) - Oldest.org It identifies Stratton as a survivor of the attack that sank the ship. He put the disc on a turntable and dropped the needle. "I really miss it.". "But it was a lot better than being shot at.". When she says anything, I tell her I'm catching up from the war.". They were dead in the water.". "They paid everybody in two dollar bills back then. They offered to perform at a gathering of Utah survivors. By winter, temperatures plunged below zero. With a total of 1,195 men aboard, about 300 went down with the ship. "There was a huge oil fire on the surface of the water fueled by the ships' tanks, so it created these giant fires all over the water," Nelson said. He hasn't hunted in a while, though he still reloads his own ammunition on a garage workbench. Hetrick took a motor launch to the receiving station on shore, where he and other survivors were allowed to shower and given a change of clothes. In 1967, Conter retired from the Navy. Stratton could not. Langdell is one of the last nine survivors from the Arizona. He told his story as his son, Ted, recorded it on video. Then we got hit.". Potts picked up the Colt 45 he'd found on Ford Island on Dec. 7, 1941. After Pearl Harbor, Langdell asked for a posting on one of the new destroyers the Navy was set to launch. The tender didn't want to be tied to the larger ship when the worst of the storm blew through. Whale sharks are found in warm waters in the Pacific . Cook was assigned to the USS Patterson, then two months later, transferred to the Aylwin, a destroyer that had been moored at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7 and engaged the bombers as the attack began. After he returned from Korea, Haerry was promoted to master chief petty officer, signifying his experience and level of service. The body parts we put in pillow cases. "Andy, you had 12 years of the damnedest fighting I ever saw. Libby got the message. Anything you choose is fine. And he has watched with dismay the changes in survival training. McBride reached the last man, Raymond Haerry, a 20-year-old coxswain on the day of the assault. The mast and towers near the bow tilted at a sickening angle. He first visited the Arizona memorial in Pearl Harbor on the 50thanniversary of the attack and has returned since. 39 Interesting Pearl Harbor Facts | Pearl Harbor Warbirds The man walked over and looked at Langdell's name tag. "We got halfway there and I told them to turn around," Conter said. For 30 years, Lauren Bruner punched a clock at a manufacturing plant south of Los Angeles, a World War II veteran in a landscape crawling with them. In the documentary, "The Life and Death of a Lady," Langdell and Abe speak, side by side on the memorial.