Nelson Mandela, 63. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." 21. Anxiety. Each time, I felt them sinking further into my mind and settling in my heart. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. I believe in you! It's this waiting, Lord, that's about to do me in. They had seen something on the mammogram that they didnt like. Forgive my failures in carrying the cross. "Start where you are. 52. The only real failure is to give up. Dont wait for opportunity. Yet, having patience is an asset that we should all put more value on. 3. 41. Get hand-picked resources and highlights from our Mighty community straight to your inbox. I Can Do Things Differently Going Forward, 7. Take a deep breath; its just a bad day, not a bad life. I wanted to experience joy without the need for everything around me to be perfect or to be fully in control of things. In this day and age, delayed gratification is not something we have to deal with often. 1. Here's a funky good luck wish for the funkiest guy I know. But the nurse had told me I needed someone with me after the biopsy, as well as to be with me for the results. Antigen tests* are rapid tests which produce results in 15-30 minutes. 27. They might just be what that person needs to hear. I'm . Mother Teresa, 148. Quotes To Live By. Rather than trying to put a brave face on or pretending that you are strong and brave, give this part of you an outlet. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. Comfort me with the assurance Your Word says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me. Would you like your kids to join us? My heart was in my mouth and my stomach immediately churned. This is one reason we all want to know our test results the moment after we take the test. Acceptance and surrender does not need to be a passive state. Encourage them to focus on strategies they used that gave them success. Web Design by Thats Her Business. Education: opening your mind. 3. And unicorns. 105. Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way. 48. Everyone in the audience is on your side. The eternal essence of who you are who knows what this is all about. "If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one." Dolly Parton. Be good to yourself. 2. From riven rocks and fern-clad chasms deep, Flow living waters as from hearts that weep, There in the afterglow soft dews distill, And angels tend God's plants when night falls still, And the Beloved passing by that way. - Norman Vincent Peale. You are providing support, so don't put your friend in the position of having to reassure you as well. 80. Its human nature. - Mark Twain. Yet, we tend to view health tests as a threat to our health. 66. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Lets plan a lunch for when I see you next., Sending you all my love and prayers during this time, I love you.. You may feel tense and your mind may be troubled with how this diagnosis may affect you and your loved ones. I confess I didn't study as I intended. To lean into them for support. . 99. It doesnt mean that you dont take action, just that you open up to the possibility of a turnaround, even if everything feels like it is pointing towards the worst case (as it was for me). To let go of the worry over things we have no control over and the what ifs which can spoil our enjoyment of life. Just sending you a quick note to let you know that youre on my mind and in my prayers. I nodded, feeling numb inside. Find out an answer to a question youve been thinking about. 6. Synonyms for WAITING (FOR): banking on, counting (on or upon), relying (on or upon), depending (on or upon), watching (for), hoping (for), expecting, awaiting; Antonyms of WAITING (FOR): questioning, doubting 5. So many of my clients report a therapeutic benefit to showing up to a regular journaling practice. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Whether they need to talk, cry, or if they just need a hug, youre here to listen and support them. We feel like we should be able to know them. 5. Things I had been putting off are now being made a priority. I am allowing that to emerge in its own time. Ibelievethat we all have a purpose here on earth and that life is too short to be stressed, unfulfilled and playing small. If you stumble, make it part of the dance. You know that I have been leaning in on You for full and complete healing of this problem, and I am standing on Your Word in this matter. The two polarities of life dancing together in one moment. The next few days were a blur. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. "No matter what youre going through, theres a light at the end of the tunnel." Or you may want to book an appointment with a massage therapist, acupuncturist, or even a Reiki practitioner to help you feel as though you are doing something about your symptoms rather than just waiting to see what your test results say and where to go from there. (You can catch up on what I'm referring to in the post, Have Courage and Be Kind, and the follow-up post, A Quick Health Update For You.) I spent the weekend on the couch, contemplating my own mortality. Or you may be upset with yourself for being so stressed as you wait for your test results and making yourself sicker than you need to be. Speaking with trusted friends and family members can help you get things off your chest. Its very important to say the right things to ourselves as we wait for our test results both for our sanity and our health. |T&Cs | Privacy| Cookies |. Waiting a long time for a diagnosis that has serious implications can lead to feelings of having no control over things or being overwhelmed. Let's plan a lunch for when I see you next.". Stephanie Lahart, Overcoming Lifes Obstacles. And believe that miracles can happen for you. 2. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. And yes, there really is an end to the worst times, no matter how endless they feel. "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr. "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de . Last fall I was diagnosed with cancer again. Dream big and dare to fail. Waiting to find out the final diagnosis. "Nothing is impossible. 125. Just try to be better than you were yesterday. "Dont let your dreams be dreams." 39. Just at the time when I needed this connection the most. Check out our Submit a Story page for more about our submission guidelines. Here are some ways you can offer words of encouragement for kids in various situations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A free CaringBridge online health journal allows you to update everyone at once and offers a scheduling tool to help you coordinate caring tasks. When it comes to knowing "what to say," "what to do," and getting through things no one should ever go through, the best source of advice and inspiration for CaringBridge users is often other CaringBridge users. It had come to make me sit up and take note of my physical health, having focused all my energy until now on my mental and spiritual health. Hugs and kisses! I Can Take Action On My Health While I Wait For My Test Results, 9. 89. We are very lucky to be living in a time where we can test things and treat things that we couldnt test and treat before. We live in a world where we can have a lot of answers quickly. 6. We asked the CaringBridge community, many of whom have experienced this exact situation, their thoughts on what to say during these hard times. Just wanted to send you a smile today. I am now entering a period of healing. At a time like this, dont even bother with a dish. I am grateful that I am able to get tests done and learn more about whats happening in my body. Acceptance and surrender does not need to be a passive state. Dr. You can decide to be proactive with your health going forward and seek a doctors help quickly when something goes wrong rather than waiting for a long time to see how things go. These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying: 4. 129. Dont spend another minute alone! - Unknown. I cant wait to see what you do next. 26. This is what youre going through, not who you are. Dont let how you feel make you forget what you deserve. 7. 146. Waiting for imaging test results can be a significant and stressful experience. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement." Every day may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day. Or perhaps looking at yourself in the mirror and repeating some encouraging quotes will inspire you to move forward when you need some words of support during a particularly difficult time. Things are going to start looking up soon. Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Test Results, What To Say To Someone Waiting For Test Results | CaringBridge, Words Of Encouragement For An Exam (59+) - OptimistMinds, Words Of Encouragement For Exams -, What To Say To Someone Waiting For Exam Results, Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Exam Results, 100+ Good Luck Motivational Quotes For Exams For Your Loved Ones, Supporting Your Friends If They Don't Get The Grades They Need. Suddenly, through the fear gripping my heart and uncertainty clouding my mind, I heard the four words my friend so lovingly wrote me playing in my head. You could say, "I'm taking my kids to the park this afternoon. You can access your records and more by logging in or signing up with Dignity Health. If you are in pain, and you normally work out during the day, you probably should skip the workout, but try to stick to your routine as closely as possible. But, do take as many breaths as needed to center yourself and allow the anxiety to leave in a mindful way.. You shouldnt be in any doubt, success comes to those who work for it and I know you did our best. 1. 84. Test Taking Quotes Encouraging Quotes For Women Encouragement Quotes And Poems Encouraging Quotes For Students Testing Funny Test Taking Quotes Words Of Encouragement . Let them know that you're open to talking whenever they feel like it. 8. Even if it was offered in all sincerity, it can still feel weird to call someone and say, "remember when you offered to help?" Amelia Earhart. "If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." For now, deal with today just as you will deal with the today after your test results. I got the call nobody wants from their doctor weve found something in your blood, you need to go for an urgent scan. God gave you this life because he knew you were strong enough to live it. 1. Winston Churchill. I Will Not Diagnosis Myself Through Google As I Wait For My Test Results, 6. You relinquish resistance and connect with the higher vibration of trust. Good luck today! I know nothing I say will change this, but I'm here for you,' that's perfect.". Dreams don't work unless you do. Encouragement Messages For Exams 1). J.K. . "Feelings of anxiety are natural and may not subside completely, but there are some things you can do to help you cope with these emotions, while you await your test results," Bell adds. This, too, shall pass. Come on! Dr. Seuss. Give me the strength to understand what these anxieties of these medical tests mean for my life - whatever the outcome of them. I just need to know what it is I'm facing. "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Your attitude determines your direction. - Terri Guillemets. 78. Stay present! Plus, sending them messages here and there can show that youre thinking about them and help them feel a little less alone. 101. Neither was my mother. She enjoys music, writing and reading books of all kinds. "You will never do anything in this world without courage. . Consider what you can do which feels nurturing or uplifting. Bible Verses about Waiting on the Lord. Serena Williams. Dont let the anxiety exam results take the best from you. 7. Laura Henry. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Acceptance that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that can involve pain, discomfort and challenge. Reading the message, my eyes zeroed in on the four words I will never forget: You are a warrior. I went over those words twice in a row with my screen reader. "It doesnt matter who you are, where you come from. your darkest fears a voice. You will pass, 5. When we are truly mindful, we can connect with our inner self and with the peace that is available to as at all times. "Try to be a rainbow in someone elses cloud." You can do it!. I am about to enter the treatment phase which also comes with some fears and anxieties for me to navigate and a journey into the unknown. Even if (especially if) you feel like doing them less. Try to do something fun together to help take everyone's mind off of the matter at hand. You can freeze it if you don't want it tonight. Exams only test a very small percentage of what you know. For example, pregnant women should eat multiple servings of fresh green vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Helen Keller. You may also want to seek out affirmations from Subliminal Guru that you can listen to repeatedly to help you overcome anxiety and worry as you wait for your test results. What I learnt from when this did eventually play itself out was that I handled it in a much more accepting and courageous way than I ever imagined. And as I prayed the day of the results, I again heard the four words that eventually restored my faith and helped me find my inner strength: You are a warrior.. You have come this far, and you have succeeded, you only have a little way to go. 1. Words of encouragement are also frequently seen on social media websites, for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. To your loved one, that simple act may mean more than youll ever know. If we encourage someone in depression or loss then we can enlighten the source of "HOPE" in their hearts all over again. "You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.". I know things are difficult right now, but I also know youve got what it takes to get through it. What have you got to lose in believing in them? Deciding When things aren't going well, goals of care, code status. I end this story with some wisdom of my own. Psalms 37:34 Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." 13. 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety While Waiting for Imaging Test Results. Your speed doesnt matter. Journaling can be a really helpful tool for this. Sometimes, positive words may be met with thats easy for you to say. If so, dont get defensive but simply listen. Whether the test is for you or a loved one, nerves and anxiety run high . Be thankful for the hard times; they can only make you stronger.". If your loved one is able, offer to help keep them distracted by taking them for lunch or going for a walk together. 3. I Can Deal With Whatever The Test Results Show, Some Other Affirmations That Might Help As You Wait For Your Test Results, 16 Cool Ways to Get Close to Your Brother, 11 Effective Ways to Get Close to Your Sister, 19 Unfortunate Signs Your Parents Dont Care About You, 16 Incredible Signs Your Boss Sees You As A Leader, 12 Obvious Signs A Coworker Is Competing With You, 18 Overwhelming Signs There Is Someone Else, 17 Evident Signs You Are Being Set Up To Fail. 31. By: Pretty Darn Cute Design. "Courage, dear heart." When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time. As you wait for test results, you may get upset with how long you waited to seek help and worry that you let your issue go too long. Easing Stress When Waiting for Test Results. Martha Graham. Youre going to pass this, and then we are going to wonder why you were panicking, 4. My heart goes out to you. We dont necessarily want a doctor who jumps to conclusions or only looks at one test result without taking the bigger picture into consideration. The joy, the relief and the gratitude I felt that day were immense. 18. This is just a small sampling of ideas for helping someone through a tough time. 4. I just wanted to do a little chatting with you today, and say a few things that have been on my heart lately. Write your fears down on paper and see what shifts for you. Having been fortunate enough not to ever need to go to hospital or undergo anything other than a routine medical procedure, this was a very scary time for me. "Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within . "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." Katharine Hepburn. Leaving the breast cancer center, I managed to hold it together until I got home. Use what you have. 92. In that moment, it may be helpful to share that youre here to listen if they want to talk through what theyre feeling. I cant wait to catch up with you soon so you can fill me in on all thats been going on in your life. Mahatma Gandhi. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); COPYRIGHT 2017-2023 INSPIRINGTIPS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Carve some time out of your schedule to be there while your friend is waiting for test results to come in. I do hope thesewordsof encouragement ifyourewaiting for test results have brought you even the tiniest bit of hope or comfort. With no other choice, I made the phone call. To lean into them for support. Just grab a spoon and start shoveling ice cream straight from the carton. 9. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.". In these moments, it may feel as if youre not doing enough. DO say, "It's okay not to be the perfect sick person.". Especially if we are in pain or experiencing unnerving symptoms. The waiting for my test results was, at times, excruciating. The weekend before my test results, I realised I had two choices. I always keep moving, despite what life throws at me. 14. Dont try to be perfect. After weeks she would have to call in and make an appointment to find out what the test results showed, and those weeks were filled with painful worry that kept her sick and brought up a whole other list of symptoms. This is a real game-changer. This exam quote is about more than just motivation, it also reminds us as students that test success isn't just about putting in as many hours as possible.
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