Lets briefly[1] examine this passage paying attention to its culture and context, and try to distill some legitimate application. It says simply, "And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." In Judaea it was tragically easy for sheep to go astray. Verse 25 uses the words: adversary, officer, judge, and prison. But this does not help the body of Christ grow and mature as people or as a church. 18:22). "Tell him his fault, elenxon auton--argue the case with him" (so the word signifies); "and do it with reason and argument, not with passion." Go, and tell him his fault between thee and him alone. This is the opposite of the objective Matthew 18 seeks to achieve. Yet man, in face of all, is so deceived of the enemy, that he prefers to be left with the demons rather than enjoy the presence of the Deliverer. It ought to have been John's place to have proclaimed the glory of Jesus; but all things in this world are the reverse of what they ought to be, and of what will be when Jesus takes the throne, coming in power and glory. Assemblies of Christians for holy purposes are hereby appointed, directed, and encouraged. Nevertheless, His ear was open to the call on behalf of Israel perishing, dying, dead. Thereon, coming into the ship, the wind ceases, and the Lord exercises His gracious power in beneficent effects around. It is a thousand pities that this appointment of Christ, which was designed to end differences, and remove offences, should itself be so much a matter of debate, and occasion differences and offences, through the corruption of men's hearts. Thereon the Lord also has His word to say, first reminding Peter of his new name suitably to what follows. He will own them. Since the Protestant Reformation in the 16 th Century, a plethora of interpretations have developed surrounding the famous passage of Matthew 16:18-19, where Christ declares that Peter is the "rock" upon which He will found His Church and is the one to whom He will give the . (Mt 16:18-20 [NET]). Everything depends on how he is taught and trained. He didnt blackball them. The passage begins with Verse 15: of their own children, or of strangers?" They even went the length of saying, very beautifully, that every blade of grass had its angel. (Matthew 19:30.) As far as the idea of elders being anachronistic with the moment the Lord mentioned. I never thought it would happen to me. "Behold my servant, whom I have chosen, my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased." the apostle directs there (Matthew 18:5; Matthew 18:5), Is there not a wise man among you? Here we have what was Jesus' favourite picture of God and of God's love. When we come together, to worship God in a dependence upon the Spirit and grace of Christ as Mediator for assistance, and upon his merit and righteousness as Mediator for acceptance, having an actual regard to him as our Way to the Father, and our Advocate with the Father, then we are met together in his name. [Note: France, The Gospel . Therefore a child also means a beginner in the faith, one who has just begun to believe, one who is not yet mature and established in the faith, one who has just begun on the right way and who may very easily be deflected from it. When a man of that congregation is accused of having an incestuous relationship with his stepmother, Paul commands he be removed from their midst (1 Corinthians 5:1-2). What an eye opener to me and family! The first of these lessons is, "Many first shall be last, and last first." Your book on apostolic ministry has been a tremendous help. But Israel had no sense of their leprosy; and they valued not, but despised, their Messiah, albeit divine I might almost say because divine. What generates Peter's question may be an exchange not recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Because troubles are never settled by going to law, or by Christless argument. When we are children we set out on a journey with no means of paying the fare, and with no idea of how to get to our journey's end, and yet it never enters our heads to doubt that our parents will bring us safely there. The question of the disciples was: "Who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" 4. And the Jews have a saying, that one of the causes of the ruin of their nation was, "No man reproved another." If he will not listen to you, take with you one or two more, that the whole matter may be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. 5-6); the horror of any offenses, to self or others (vss. The grounds of such a judgment will naturally come before us ere long: I can merely refer to it now as my conviction. I am sure Peter was thinking, "Well, I might be able to forgive a guy a couple of times, but it sounds good to the other disciples if I say 'seven'". The Lord turned the captivity of Job, not when he prayed for himself, but when he prayed for his friends who had trespassed against him. There is nothing in this world more terrible than to destroy someone's innocence. Q&A Peters authority based on Matthew 16:18-19, Q&A The Church: Truth versus conduct, Catholic Wedding Ceremony Traditional and Modern Services. For instance, the Boy Scouts of America has the right as a private group to dismiss a . The Lord shows that such unbelief justly and necessarily excludes itself, but not others, from blessing. 1-4); How we receive and treat "these little ones who believe in Me," (vss. Articulated thought calls to action. Thus the old link with the flesh, with Israel, is now disowned; and the new relationships of faith, founded on doing the will of His Father (it is not a question of the law in any sort), are alone acknowledged. (iii) But this phrase can have another and very wonderful meaning. This is the way differences are to be resolved and settled within the church. The Lord was in Capernaum, where Peter lived; and on a certain Sabbath-day, after the call of Peter, wrought in the synagogue mighty deeds, which are here recorded, and by Luke also. On Because Matthew's object is the display of the change of dispensation through, or consequent on, the rejection of Jesus by the Jews. For God no man is unimportant and no one is lost in the crowd; for the Christian every man is important and is a child of God, who, if lost, must be found. I mean, He is straight. Fear motivates those leaders to suppress the thought and the individual behind it and to formally remove the individual from communal life. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. The child has three great qualities which make him the symbol of those who are citizens of the Kingdom. But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence [about three thousand dollars]: and he laid his hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, You pay me what you owe me. In Matthew 15:1-39 we have another picture, and twofold. 28:18-20), but "gates" here has a different sense. There is no note of the time when he came, but simply the fact that he did come. Why is this not taught or really used much in Catholicism as opposed to Protestantism, specifically Fundy Christian denominations who live by it? If God was there, what else could He, would He do? However, it seems that if the whole church gets involved in reproving the offender, some sort of communal, as well as individual, punishment would be involved. "My daughter is even now dead, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live." 2. So, when his fellow-servants saw what had happened, they were very distressed; and they went and informed their master of all that had happened. Again, that's a thought that gives us a -- we react mentally to that, as uh, horrible, but yet how wise as far as the muskrat is concerned. Matthew 18:15-17 New International Version Dealing With Sin in the Church 15 "If your brother or sister[ a] sins,[ b] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. 18:8-9 "If your hand or your foot proves a stumbling-block to you, cut it off and throw it away from you. x Maimon Hilehot Ishot, c. 12. sect. But when by this he is humbled and reclaimed, he must be welcomed into communion again, and all shall be well. He ate with them. Take a leader or two along. (ii) There is the child's dependence. If He offers to go to his house, it was to bring out the faith that He had created in the heart of the centurion. Matt 18:17-18 is, or should be used, when defending the Church. This done, with a word for the conscience appended, He takes up and pleads the cause of John. But inasmuch as he did not have any money to pay, his Lord commanded him to be sold, his wife, and his children, and all that he had, in order that a partial payment might be made. We must "go and tell him his fault BETWEEN you and him alone." Now, we are talking here about a sinning brother. If I assume from the words "set forth in order," in the beginning of Luke's gospel, that therefore his is the chronological account, it will only lead me into confusion, both as to Luke and the other gospels; for proofs abound that the order of Luke, most methodical as he is, is by no means absolutely that of time. that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three It is the power of grace. Jesus reply shows that the severe action was not intended to be an alternative to forgiveness. 1:11) concerning the behavior of people in the congregation in Corinth. He never thinks that he can face life by himself. They are the circumstances that preceded the discourse upon the mount, as given in Matthew 5:1-48; Matthew 6:1-34; Matthew 7:1-29. The Power Of The Presence ( Matthew 18:19-20), 18:19-20 "Again, I tell you, that if two of you agree upon earth upon any matter for which you are praying, you will receive it from my Father who is in Heaven. He did not even do that after His resurrection (Acts 1:6-8). The Father and the Son have their appropriate part, even as we know from elsewhere the Spirit sent down from heaven in due time was to have His. He now takes His place of rejection; for Him it is manifest even now by their inmost thoughts of Him when revealed. "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David!" Although this passage is certainly not a correct report of what Jesus said, it is equally certain that it goes back to something he did say. Pass no sentence, which you cannot in faith ask God to confirm. What is the case supposed? The first mention was in Matthew 16:18. The true path to greatness is always the path of humility. Peter answers, "Of strangers." The church of Jesus in Matthew 18:17 is made up of disciples according to Matthew 16:20. "If he will not hear thee, if he will not own himself in a fault, nor come to an agreement, yet do not despair, but try what he will say to it, if thou take one or two or more, not only to be witnesses of what passes, but to reason the case further with him; he will be the more likely to hearken to them because they are disinterested; and if reason will rule him, the word of reason in the mouth of two or three witnesses will be better spoken to him" (Plus vident oculi quam oculus--Many eyes see more than one), "and more regarded by him, and perhaps it will influence him to acknowledge his error, and to say, I repent.". It only takes a minute to sign up. Most the commentaries I've read agree that "the church" refers to the local church as compared to a universal church. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe here to receive blog publication notifcations in your email inbox. Let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. You're talking about motivation, and the disciples were not pure in their motivations. And the basis of any answer toward your question does require some foundation to be built in biblical ecclesiology. Fasting, indeed, would follow when the Bridegroom was taken from them. You say, "Well, isn't that works then, forgiveness on works?" Note, We should think no pains too much to take for the recovering of a sinner to repentance. He is not going to lower Himself to a human measure. Because He said He would be here in the midst of us, and you can reach out by faith and touch Him tonight. The context, as well as the New Testament parallels to this exhortation, shows that Jesus had exclusion in mind (cf. The very size of the millstone shows the awfulness of the condemnation. Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea ( Matthew 18:6 ). But the future is in view also. The evil spirits asked leave to pass into the herd of swine, which thus typify the final condition of the defiled, apostate mass of Israel; their presumptuous and impenitent unbelief reduces them to that deep degradation not merely the unclean, but the unclean filled with the power of Satan, and carried down to swift destruction. Deuteronomy 19:15. When the Rabbis taught that heathen and Gentile objects were to be utterly destroyed they said that they must be "cast into the salt sea." At 18:6 He shifts and talks about interpersonal trespassesoffenses literally: scandals. 23. At this point, Jesus is on a road trip to Jerusalem for Passover. The disciples most inadequately perceive His glory; but the Lord acts according to His own mind. ], PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ( Matthew 18:1-35 ). I'm curious about the phrase "tell it to the church." Now, what was this Gehenna ( G1067) , this Valley of Hinnom? Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. How light soever proud scorners may make of the censures of the church, let them know that they are confirmed in the court of heaven; and it is in vain for them to appeal to that court, for judgment is there already given against them. Yes, there is. This means that God would have provided us with the information necessary to understand what Church He was talking about. There is no point in refusing to face the facts of the situation, and nothing but harm can result from teaching people to expect what does not happen. she cried; but what had she to do with the Son of David? Also I avoided mentioning elders, because I didn't want to import an ecclesiology that might be anachronistic to the passage anyway. It was the little foreshadowing of what will be when the Lord has joined the remnant in the last days, and then fills with blessing the land that He touches. In the kingdom so much the less sparing is the retribution of those who despise or abuse grace. On being asked why, he answered. I wish your book on authority was in the hands of every believer! And what makes this still more striking, is the certainty that the kingdom, bright as it is, is by no means the thing nearest to Jesus. I do not pretend to say this was the only purpose served; far be it from me to think of restraining the Spirit of God within the narrow bounds of our vision. Note, It is a good rule, which should ordinarily be observed among Christians, not to speak of our brethren's faults to others, till we have first spoken of them to themselves, this would make less reproaching and more reproving; that is, less sin committed, and more duty done. God had given his soul a deeper, fuller sight of Christ; for the Gentile's words prove that he had apprehended God in the man who was healing at that moment all sickness and disease in Galilee. But if he does not listen, that is, if he chooses to justify his sin Its difficulty lies in the undoubted fact that it does not ring true; it does not sound like Jesus; it sounds much more like the regulations of an ecclesiastical committee. Maybe it is more likely that it was Peter who asked the question, and that it was Peter's little boy whom Jesus took and set in the midst, because we know that Peter was married ( Matthew 8:14; 1 Corinthians 9:5). A number of intriguing observations come up as we read through Matthew 18 more carefully. All will not be the wise that understand, nor those who instruct the mass in righteousness. - Matthew 18:15-17 NIV. Perhaps human realities dictate that close communion with another person is neither possible, nor relationally wisefor whatever legal, spiritual, or interpersonal reasons. It's a matter of spirit. What special mercy and tenderness, not only in the end, but also in the way the Lord deals with Israel!
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