Plugin - Self Loading Cargo Plugin Payware Created by Lanilogic Technology Solutions Ltd Self-Loading Cargo is an addon application for flight simulator which simulates the experience of carrying passengers and cabin crew. $('#navigation ul').slideToggle(500); Real-time Simulation Of Passengers & Cabin Crew For Your X-Plane, P3D, FSX & FS2004 Aircraft. for free as always. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Not the best sound pack out there, from my understanding, this and the southwest cabin announcement pack arealmost identical with the only thing I notice different is the cabin music. Elle sannonce compltement dcal. Got an account? Powered by Invision Community, Finnair soundpack for Self Loading Cargo (or any other passenger sound plugin) 1.0.1, American Airlines ToLiss A321 "Mini" Fleet Pack, CFM56 5B/5A Engine Mod for FF320, Toliss A319/A321, IAE V2500 Engine Mod for FF320, Toliss A319/A321, Finnair soundpack for Self Loading Cargo (or any other passenger sound plugin). Real-time Flight Feedback From Passengers & Cabin Crew Control In-Flight Services & Entertainment Notify The Crew & Passengers During The Flight Manage Ill, Disruptive & Vulnerable Passengers Get Graded On How Well You Flew Your Aircraft The Self-Loading Cargo addon (official site) rectifies this glaring omission by adding a full per-passenger simulation to the game. Ex: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Lanilogic \ Self Loading Cargo \ SoundPacks. Je pense que c'est a cause de fsuipc7 qui est mal gr pour l'instant par fs2020. J'ai traduit tous les fichiers MP3 et renregistr en franais l'aide de divers utilitaires spcialement pour les voix fminines (personnel de cabine). Find their other files; Share More sharing options. Deletion of an audio file and Air France safety instructions implemented. Passengers are individually simulated in real-time to react to your actions as a pilot while flying the plane - try to make them comfortable and don't forget to feed and water them at appropriate phases of the flight! De quoi dcouvrir la carrire - parfois complique - du chanteur. C'est vraiment sympa aussi, Excellent logiciel qui a lavantage de donner de la vie et de loccupation si on le dsire avant , pendant et aprs le vol .Jaime, Bonjour,Est ce que Self loading Cargo est fonctionnel avec les avions plus petit comme le faisait FSpassenger?Ou ne fonctionne t'il que sur les gros porteurs?Merci vous, Le 14 dcembre 2020 16:31:28 Marco789 a crit :Bonjour,Est ce que Self loading Cargo est fonctionnel avec les avions plus petit comme le faisait FSpassenger?Ou ne fonctionne t'il que sur les gros porteurs?Merci vous, Bonsoir, il est compatible avec TOUS les avions, tant que c'est un avion a passe, juste une chose pour approfondir le RP dessus c'est de tlcharger les layouts de l'avion que tu souhaites, (Le layout c'est le plan de l'avion, car SLC permet de regarder en vue du dessus les passagers et le personnel se dplacer dans l'avion et permet de voir les besoins des passagers, de base on a le layout de l'A320 mais tu peux trouver facilement les autres sur le Discord de SLC), Message dit le 09 septembre 2020 18:32:21 par. o Medical Diversion o Unruly pax diversion Enhanced communications between ground and flight deck. Support is now back to normal after the Christmas break, please email and we'll do our best to come back to you as quickly as possible. Self Loading Cargo Exclusive Air Canada BL (EN+FR) International. X-Plane.Org There's an official Discord server and . It's simpler, more compact but also quite powerful tool to have with better and non-obtrusive User Interface. Clear editor. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Pasted as rich text. How To Make Your Own Customize Soundpack for Self Loading Cargo For CONTACT: easyjetsimpilot@gmail.comDISCORD: Support the stream: Before we start guys all my sound Packages are here now in this link Multiplelanguages witha lotofdifferentairlinesmore than 14languagesin Fourms xplane org: Lufthansa Cabin Sounds And Cabin Announcements V1.2 for MSFS 2020 $(document).ready(function () { Join the conversation. self loading cargo delta soundpack (2 reviews) By Verticalsim Find their other files Share Followers 1 About This File A big thanks to @Scottybob64 and his daughter Rachel for helping out with the project. Eh bien, Sony Pictures Animation est l pour vous. Your previous content has been restored. This passenger mod for Flight Simulator 2020 adds a new panel . Log in - Self-Loading Cargo It's still sort of in beta, but I really enjoy it! Introducing Self-Loading Cargo - Passenger Simulation for Flight V1.1 : Deletion of an audio file and Air France safety instructions implemented. SLC allows you to manage when alcohol, drinks and food services are offered to passengers during the flight, as well as if and when in-flight movies are played. J'ai fait ces annonces d'quipage de cabine il y a quelque temps pour mon propre usage dans Self-Loading Cargo. Vous aurez besoin du logiciel Self-Loading Cargo pour les intgrer dans le jeu. They'll let you know when there's a problem - and you decide the best course of action. Upload or insert images from URL. You will need the Self-Loading Cargo software to integrate them into the game. SLC tracks your control inputs to make sure you don't exceed comfort levels for pitch, roll and g-forces during the flight and landing - if you do, passengers might react negatively and your rating will suffer. Par contre, le dossier "voix" en fr, tu l'as enregistrer dans le dossier FSUIPC7? About This File. in the overlay menu. Followers 3. Self-Loading Cargo can run entirely automated, or you can choose to interact with the passengers by directing the crew to perform certain duties at specific times. Over 60 high-quality sounds simulating the interaction between yourself, ground and the cabin crew. 3jCabin-sounds Air France Airlines ( French - English ) Diamond Edition Extrme. Self-Loading-Cargo Japan Airlines Ver.1.0.0 1.0.0 - X-Plane.Org Forum Custom Sound Packs For PACX - TFDi Design Forums As well as @Hazlogen for ground tech recordings. Powered by Invision Community, Self-Loading Cargo - Ryanair Soundpack 1.0.1, 3jCabin-sounds Japan Airlines Full IN ( Japanese -English ) Emerald Edition . Compatible with LukeAirTool and Self-Loading Cargo. Flyr Self loading cargo (sound pack) Discord officiel pour MS Flight Simulator 2020, [STEAM] Supprimer les logos Xbox et Asobo au dmarrage, A320Neo, guide : bien dbuter avec l'avion star d'Airbus, [Solution temporaire] ATC qui fait n'importe quoi en IFR. REMARQUE: ce ne sont que de l'audio. Self Loading Cargo Plugin for Microsoft Flight Simulator - MSFS Addons ( Good ByeCrew ) and more, Takeoff Aborted , engine failure, Landing going around. $('#navigation ul').slideToggle(500); OfficialAmbiance OfAir France Airlines: Boarding ,Ambiance Gate ( new )Ambiance Taxi ,Ambiance takeoff, open Xplane 11 then when it loads your aircraft go to the top right and choose plugins / FlyWithLua/FlywithLua Marcos / 3JCABIN-SOUNDS : Open /Close window, You can choose your desired airline by clicking on the (!) Paste as plain text instead, Flyr Self loading cargo (sound pack) - X-Plane - Threshold J'ai dcid de les partager avec toute la communaut. Buildingthis Cabin announcementtook hours to rebuild from more than 60 different sources and size of 1.5 GB so your support is needed . You can post now and register later. Guest downloads are disabled for this file. This soundpack includes cockpit voices, crew voices, ground person's voices, cabin sound, and sefety video's sound. Thanks for the suggestions! Paste as plain text instead, If you notice any mistake, please let us know. You can post now and register later. You cannot paste images directly. 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If you have already chosen the file, click on French Crew Voice Pack v1.1 Mod download button and follow the instructions. Air Canada Bi-Lingual sound pack Non aircraft type specificNo destionation names Enhanced interphone communications between flight deck and cabin crew. Quoi ? Your previous content has been restored. Cabin sound is made by using YouTube video. Display as a link instead, Includes: Boarding music Welcome Captain Safety Video Seatbelt sign Covid-19 Departure Duty-free Seat Upright Captain Decent After landing (NEW) Passengers Boarding (NEW) Lunchtime cabin sound More will come in the future Credits: Lufthansa IAMLUCKYRED Sound Ideas - Thema L Czapla LukeAirTool Log in - Self-Loading Cargo Just unzip the file and paste it into your SLC Soundpack folder. $(document).ready(function () { ! Should I get PACX or Self-Loading Cargo? - Utilities - Microsoft Flight Terms | Privacy Policy, Happy New Year! Got an account? We provide the access to our huge database of mods for all kind of needs. $('#burger').click(function () { Display as a link instead, Finnair soundpack for Self Loading Cargo (or any other passenger sound
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