It was a nice Thursday dinner night, where Rita was making an announcement. Lincoln: I never knew that about you guys. LIKE WHAT KIND OF FAMILY WOULD DO THAT TO AN 11 YEAR OLD BOY!! Also please don't flame me. Lincoln: I'm sorry that I made you worry about me. As a result, the girls who once picked on her would leave her alone and the few girls she did seem to try to get to know better, they were too afraid of her. Lily: *still giggling, reaches out for Ronnie* Wonnie! Lincoln: Yea My friends started believing in the bad luck/good luck superstition as well, including Clyde, Bobby, and especially you, even if it didn't actually happen for real. The parents are feeling guilty as well, not noticing that Lincoln wasn't in the car in the first place. Lincoln: The dream was practically me having to relive what I've had to go through the past few weeks, but worse. I didn't see Lincoln in the car with them as we passed by it, so that would be a safe guess. Rita: *sighs sadly and guilty* Where could he have gone? *tears flood from her eyes at seeing her little brother right in front of her, safe just like she had hoped*. Adrien, and Adriannas first day in a new dimension. (Lincoln begins to head out Sophia's mansion, and heads in the direction the Loud House is. Lynn Sr.: *stops the van, turns around, drives in the direction the Santiago's car went*. Since at a young age, other girls would often pick on her, similar to how boys would often pick on you, and although she did her best to not let it get to her, she just wasn't able to contain her emotions for very long. Luna: Glad to hear you guys were having a good time. I couldn't imagine the pain you were feeling because of it. If the Santiagos hadn't been determined to bring me back, Lily might not have gotten a chance to see me again, so me not at least giving her a last hug or kiss or even explaining to her what was going on, I can't help but feel like her sadness is my fault. We can't have your scratches getting worse. The first battle of a long war. Girls, guess what? Rita: *still in tears* Lincoln, even if you won't forgive us, we just want you to know that from the bottom of our hearts how truely sorry we are. I know you're worried about me and for that I couldn't be more grateful. Ronnie Anne: *notices the Louds* *texts Lincoln*. Literature. I almost got heat stroke a lot of the times in that thing. Bobby: *quietly* Yea, you're right. Luan: (shakes Lincoln in tears) Lincoln please wake up! 50 foot Lincoln A A Giant but Gentle Sister A Giant Twin Date Attack Of The 50ft Jordan B Big Gig's End Billy Lynn C Colossal Loud Mom Coming Out in a Big Way D Double Loud Singing F From 50 ft. :cries: Ronnie Anne: *becomes teary eyed* Lincoln Bobby: *places hand on Ni Ni's shoulder, trying to help comfort her even a little* What did he say? the day he was born or maybe during the ultrasound if his parents decided to have one? I'm sorry Lily: *reaches out to try to touch the bandages* Whut wappined Winky? Nov 2, 2022 - Description Un pequeito y corto montaje de cuatro imgenes con Lincoln y Luan en algunos momentos lindos durante los aos. While dating Lori, he found out that out of the big family she had, you were the only boy in it, but wasn't sure if you wanted to try to get to know him or not. Lynn Sr: *hasn't noticed Lincoln in the car he just passed*. Luna: *smiling* Mom, Lincoln just said his first word! Maria: So, do you guys know if they got any new rides set up since the last time you were there? After that, Lincoln tells Sid everything about himself. Lincoln: I'm guessing you're here to take her back home? Submit your writing. Lincoln: *sighs* That still doesn't change the fact that I was stupid enough to let this lie go on Lisa: Elder brother, you were not the stupid one. Not only was my family treating my like nothing more but a good luck charm, my friends started to also treat me like one. History. Lincoln: *still hugging Lily, soothing voice* Shh-shh, it's ok Lily. Luna: *still hugging Lincoln, gently starts rubbing his back to comfort him even further*, Lincoln: *beginnig to calm down, but still crying*. Luan: (hugs Lincoln tightly while crying) Lincoln, I had a nightmare about you dying! Hungry Rita Vore Lincoln Vore The Loud House Youtube. Lynn: *very guilty, depressed* I'd give anything if I can take back what happened. In the comic, in addition to having been with Luna, she had a boyfriend in the past and would later end up with Lincoln. (Runs after him). Ronnie Anne: *trying not to laugh, calms down*. Experimental One Shot. I still can't believe just how vivid it was, and he mentioned that the first half of it actually did happen. Everything kept reminding me of that game, what I had put you through, what our family put you through. Lincoln Loud, now a Freshman in Highschool, gets sweep in by the most popular Game known as Chaotic but one day when he receives a special code, he soon learned that Chaotic is more than a Game. Luan Having a Nightmare About Lincoln's Death | The Loud House Fanon Lincoln, the one person in your family, who unlike a lot of you, would actually realize mistakes he's made and tried to make up for it! Leni: *trying to stay calm, tears falling down her cheeks* *looks Lincoln in the eyes* With all of my heart, Linky Lincoln: *unable to contain his tears anymore, starts crying into Leni's shirt*. Your side of yours and Lucy's room is a mess. Lincoln: *while listening, eyes start tearing up yet again*. The sisters sit at the table. Lincoln: *sits on the couch and lets one of the recliners out*, Lily: *falls asleep against Ronnie Anne's shoulder*, Ronnie Anne: *sits down next to Lincoln, making sure not to wake up Lily*. Luan dates Maggie in the background, while in the show, Luan only shows interest in boys. Clyde: *angry, tears in eyes* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO LINCOLN?!?! Lincoln: Die? Baseball game, Chapter 51. Maria: *whispers back* I know what you mean. She started getting into fights and vent out all of her bottled up emotions in the process. GET UP HERE! Lincoln: How could I not? As he got older, the boys themselves became too interested in girls to pay much attention to him. Bobby: *whispers* Just in case his family ever needed to know how badly he's been affected by what they did to him. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from When their grandmother makes food, she makes sure no one goes hungry. The Loud House's Deviantart HORROR - YouTube Luna: *more shocked* She just said your name, bro! Ronnie Anne: *enters her house, and sees that Lincoln is still sound asleep on the couch* *thinking* At least he looks more at peace when he isn't having any bad dreams. Lynn: (giggles) Catch me if you can! *gives them directions on where it is*, Maria: Thank you. *sees Lincoln* Looks like someone got a good night's sleep! I'm already at the point of trying anything to find Lincoln. Job specializations: Warehouse. from DeviantArt: BeachGuyLover Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Based off of Clyde's furious break down yesterday on top of Bobby breaking up with Lori, there is no doubt Lincoln has told them what happened, and considering what Clyde said, even he didn't appear to know the whereabouts of our male sibling, which could mean that Lincoln has either called them or sent them a message, so it could be logical that the Santiagos also may not know where he is, which would be a good reason for them to look for him. Maria: *still shocked* It seems like it this has affected him even more than we thought. Lynn: I know, but I don't forgive myself. I don't yet know why, but some of your so called family is here. Sam, meanwhile, has no idea what she has done, due to memory loss, and finds out that she ended up getting pregnant, freaking out wondering what happened and what she is going to do now. Liam Hunnicutt/Costumes. It can be found here and the second part is here on Javi's DeviantArt page. Leni: *more shocked* She just said our names! Bobby: Yeah, my name was your first word. Lily seems a lot happier than she did when you first brought her over yesterday. Ronnie Anne: Especially when their first word is their sibling's name. Maria: *whispers* I just hope the family soon realizes that what they did was wrong, and how much it scarred him. Maria: I won't deny you a chance for you to be with your baby sister, plus, babies are always a joy to be around with. Bobby: We got back late last night, but because of how late it was, we decided to wait til morning to let you guys know. Lisa: Sometimes I wonder why I bother explaining things, although I have made mistakes in the past, so I guess I'll go along with this hunch as you call it. Let me check. Lynn Sr: *starts tearing up* I should have never believed in that superstition, lock you out of the house, tell you to move away from it after not believing your confession, helping your mom sell your furniture, then going along with the family in making you wear that cursed suit. Receptionist: *feels bad* After what happened to you, you deserve the room. This would go on for all the way until 5th grade, when she finally took notice to you. here's Lincoln Loud from The Loud House! *starts to run towards Lincoln*, Lincoln: *tenses up, expecting something awful*, Leni: *hugs Lincoln tightly, tears flowing down her face*, Lincoln: *surprised by Leni's sudden reaction*, Ronnie Anne: *carefully watching what's going on in front of her*, Ronnie Anne: *sees that Leni's tears are real*. I was willing to gladly get rid of it if it meant I could have my little brother back. The only one that hasn't mistreated me is Lily, so please, let her know her big brother still loves her. Lynn: I just couldn't take it anymore. Journal. You're that 1 person in their lives they each have a deep connection with and as a result, they've been much happier. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lori: *tears falling down her face, knowing Ronnie Anne is 100% right*, Ronnie Anne: *turns her back towards the Louds, finished telling them off*, Lincoln: *having heard everything Ronnie said* *tears of happiness in eyes from being defended*, Lori: *trying to think of something to say, but can't*. Transportation. Lincoln: Well, none of it would have happened if I hadn't lied about being bad luck. Maria: If you need to bring her to our place, she's welcome there. Lincoln is here now. Lincoln Loud meets a cool girl from the depths of Hell, who is really a Hellhound named Loona. To achieve this mission, the Village encourages cooperation amongst its staff, Board, and other local governments, involves the community in decision-making processes, and continually evaluates the content and quality of local programs and services. Maria: *comforting Ronalda* We'll see him again. Ronnie Anne: *while rubbing Lincoln's back* If we had known what was happening earlier, we would have come home sooner. Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J.Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. I really love seeing these two together. Bobby: *whispers* Hopefully we can get him to be in a good mood today. Ronnie: *smiling, quietly* Yea, your brother's still sleeping. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Listed on 2023-02-23. Who knows, maybe we can convince him to come with us if we're lucky. Objects can easily be replaced, but family is irreplaceable. Johnny Test crossover part 2 The last two Draco twins, Chapter 46. Luan Loud/Costumes. Maria: Alright kids, I'm gonna head to bed a little early. Forgiving a Loud part 5. pranking the pranker, Chapter 53. No pixels were harmed in the making of this comic page. Did you have a nice sleep? Status Update. While they are both underage, there is still an age gap since Sam is 16 while Lincoln is 12. Lincoln: *nods* The bear scratched me on my back. I had managed to escape with my life, but it did manage to scratch me pretty bad on the back. Leni: *puts her arms around her little brother, lightly rubs his back* *broken voice* It's okay, Linky. I can't even imagine where he is, but I just hope he's safe. *rushes over to her baby boy and gives him a hug* My baby boy's first word! Did you miss me? Rita: *feels even more guilty now that Bobby knows about Lincoln* *starts crying* We need to make things right with Lincoln. He told you where he went, so I will make sure we see him again. Bobby: Lets have a nice fun day together! Lincoln: *crying into her hoodie, beginning to calm down*. Lincoln, the one person who carefully plans things out in advance hoping things can go right for him, only for you guys to ruin it for him! *looks into his eyes* You're no better off in the city. Lynn Sr.: *shocked that he may have just found his son* S-Son, is that you?! (That night at Luan and Luna's Room, while Luna is asleep Luan was tossing turning in her sleep having a nightmare). Soon, Clyde also started believing in the superstition, refusing to even acknowledge me unless I wore the suit, claiming that my family is right, and that he doesn't wanna be with someone who's bad luck. Maria: Remember, before you go to bed, I need to reapply the neosporin and change your bandage. I'd make that stuff happen to me, not him Maria, Bobby, Ronnie Anne: *surprised by what Luna said*, Lincoln: *overheard what she said, also surprised*. I love you too much to let that happen. Lincoln, and Cass bonding time, Chapter 19. Ronnie Anne: *sighs* I guess you better tell her the truth. Maria: *whispers* I can understand, considering he's been so traumatized by his so called family. Lincoln Loud from Loud House. Lincoln: *still crying* If really felt like it to me. so much that I had the worst nightmare I ever had because of it. Lola Loud/Costumes. Ronnie Anne: *wraps arm around Lincoln, pulling him in for a hug the best she could considering they're still sitting in the back seat of the car in their seat belts* *soothing voice* You wanna tell me about it? Miraculous ladybug crossover part 2 New family members. Lincoln: *teary eyed* *sniffs* New York Lincoln: *continues* I didn't tell the Santiagos until after I had gotten onto the train and was already several states away. I'm sorry that I lied to you so that I've worked so hard to get enough credits. Luna: Hehe oops. *types on computer* Lincoln Loud. Receptionist: *while waiting for the results of the search to pop up* Are you his family? No Comments Yet Be the first to comment on The Loud House's Lincoln Loud (DeviantArt stuff)! Lily: *sees the bandages, concerned* Winky huwt?! Ronnie Anne: *sees Lucy and the twins, frowns*, Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *frozen in fear as Ronnie is now mere feet from them*, Ronnie Anne: *stops walking, crosses her arms at the goth and the twins*, Ronnie Anne: *glares daggers at the goth and the twins*, Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *start to flinch, thinking they're going to get what they feel they deserve coming to them*. Lincoln: *shocked* What?! Lily Loud/Costumes. After the fake photo of her and Lincoln kissing comes out, Sam apparently runs away from her home, according to Luan. Lynn: You're my little brother, I'm supposed to protect you, and I failed to do that. Luna: *hugs back, tears in her own eyes* If you don't want to say, I'll understand. *, The rest of the Louds, after having heard what has been said, are feeling far more guilty than earlier*, However, as they do so, Lincoln's white tuff of hair appears behind Luna's arm. Ronnie Anne: Hey Lincoln, do you by chance know what your first word was? I just want my little brother back. Lily: *hugs Lincoln tightly, tears running down her cheek* Sowwy, Winky! You wanna know just how much I felt hurt, betrayed, abandoned, not just by you, but the rest of you guys for everything I've been through? Luan: *shocked* And it was the name of Baby Lincoln: *now happy, giggling* Luna! *turns around and walks away, leaving them to think about what she said*, Lucy, Lana & Lola: *break down in tears, because they are ashamed of themselves*. Casted Away | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom When I was wearing it, I had no bed in my room to sleep on, you guys would never let me take it off inside the house as well as when I was with you, and even though I tried telling you it was too hot inside it a lot of times, you guys wouldn't even let me remove at least the head just to try to cool down a bit. Do you want that on your conscious?! She brings Lincoln over to the school and at first, gives him a. Luna is given some of this, being more aggressive and prone to anger than she was in the show. Luna: *getting angry* NONE OF THAT WAS MY CHOICE!!! We will. Lincoln: They stay on my toes and never stop until they change the . The series is currently ongoing. Lori: *tears falling* I am! Lincoln Loud has a new adventures in Hell. The Loud House | Bad Luck Lincoln | Nickelodeon UK - YouTube Star vs. Even if we're not related by blood, you are the best little brother I could ever want. It's not good. The Louds: *sees the Santiagos, with Ronnie having a death glare on her face*, Lori: *regains a bit of confidence, walks up to the Santiagos* Look, I know we're the last people you want to see, but- *gets cut off by Ronnie Anne*. Because of Lynn's stupidity, you can say goodbye to me! Lincoln: "Eh, before you go, can you at least tell Lily, cause you have the tendency to transfer 'tomfoolery' to someone else.". She would sometimes come home from school in tears from the bullying she'd be subjected too, and although the school and their parents got onto the girls that caused it, they still wouldn't stop. *pulls up the texts from this morning to show to Lincoln* The last text you see is after I saw your text to sis and saw how upset she became, which is when I broke up with Lori. Almost everything he does or has an interest in, you guys ridicule him and he just takes it like a champ, but yet, when someone says something about one of your guy's interests or appearances, you get all offended! I wasn't really hoping to have to recall that memory, and I didn't know the scratches had gotten like that. Luna! I felt bad that I was putting them through a bad time, but I was also beyond upset to the point where I didn't want you guys wouldn't find me at all after what I have been through.. Luna: *shocked, but knows why Lincoln did it* Bro *pulls him into another hug*. A fairly odd crossover part 1 Welcome to Dimmsdale, Chapter 22. Bobby: *surprised, but happy he knows where Lincoln is* Well, now that we know where he is, we'll go to him. Okay? If you ask them, they'll say yes! Rita: *notices Lori's sudden break down she read her phone* Lori, what is it? Bobby: And that's an understatement. Lincoln: Yeah, even though Lori, Leni, Luan and Lynn were jealous. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Lucy: It's not like we have a choice about going to school, but I'm still thinking about him Lola: *suddenly stops* Wait a minute, isn't it still summer vacation? Luna: (wakes up and hears Luan waking up screaming from her nightmare and looked down) Luan, did you had a nightmare over Lincoln dying? Lincoln: Thank you, Mrs. Santiago. Sam also qualifies in the opposite direction. When she makes food, she makes so much it could feed an army. Clyde: *angrily kicks Lynn Sr. in the knee*, Clyde: *starting to cry while still angry, continues* LINCOLN, MY BEST FRIEND, YOUR SON, COULD BE ANYWHERE!! Chapter 16. Shortly after Ronalda was born, I originally wanted to have another child, but my husband at the time was cheating on me behind my back, and when I found out, we got a divorce, so I didn't get the chance to have another child to try to give my 2 children 1 more sibling to bond with. I just wish we could have realized that before it happened. Lincoln: When I tried telling you the truth after lying about being bad luck, not only did you not believe me, you told me to step away from the house. WE'RE OVER!!! We were the ones at fault, not you. I'll just go heat them up for you guys. You care more about that stupid squirrel suit? Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *enter the house, feeling even worse than they did earlier*. Lincoln: *angrily writes a note, angrily crying* Enjoy life without me! Leni: *still very remorseful* I hope Linky is alright wherever he is. While he does have Ronalda, he still felt as if there was a part of him missing since he didn't really have someone to really form a real brotherly connection with. User blog:BriceBlueGuy Wiki/Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru (re-write) C User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Brawl in the Friends (sequel of Back Out There) . Ronnie Anne: *smiles* Don't mention it, sweetie. Lincoln: *starts to calm down and even manages to stop shedding tears* I don't know what I would've done if the 2nd part of the dream turned out to be real. Luna: *notices Lincoln's discomfort* You guys might wanna listen to pops. You really needed it. You deserve it! Lincoln: *sighs, steps into the room* Girls, I'm sorry Lori: Lincoln, you have nothing to be sorry for, it's us who can't be sorry enough for what we did to you. Maria: I think you guys better leave. Ronnie Anne: Yeah, no kidding. Ronnie Anne: I'm just glad you're safe and back with us, who still care a lot for you. Listing for: HD Supply. Explore the Best Lincoln_loud Art | DeviantArt Shop Get Core Join Log In User Menu Get Core Membership Theme Display Mature Content Get Help and Send Feedback Terms of Service Privacy Policy Submit Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New! Lincoln: I can't help it. Tell the community what's on your mind. Luna: So, how did Lily spending the night go? Also don't worry about Luan, me and your dad will punish her for what she did to you. Sisters: *too depressed to speak, raise their hands*, Lynn Sr. and Loud sisters, except for Lynn, Luan, Lucy, and Lily: *shuffle out the door to Vanzilla*. Lincoln: Unless it was for me wearing that suit to give you guys your so called good luck, I felt so unwanted by you guys that I don't even know if I can consider you as my family anymore. Wayside crossover part 2 Getting new Draco twins, Chapter 33. Digimon Loud by Hollowhunter2. Lucy, Lana and Lola: *begin tearing up, knowing that what Ronnie Anne said was exactly what they just did to Lincoln*, Ronnie Anne: *takes a deep breath, holds it for a few seconds, then exhales, before her anger could make her do something something drastic* You all should be ashamed of yourselves! Rita hands out breakfast, then notices Lincoln isn't there. It can be found here and the second part is here on Javi's DeviantArt page. Maria: *extremely shocked, motherly and nursing instincts kick in* Those look really deep, and it looks like they may be getting infected while trying to heal. Maria: One of the many best days of my life. Lincoln: Wow, you weren't kidding when you said there was plenty. Ronnie Anne: *puts her hand on his shoulder* It's fine, Lincoln.
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