From the last 2017 forecast of countries populations, Australia's population at the time was 23 million. "For Confucian societies that value the f , Interesting find on Ebay. The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to only 99 million in 2025 (-70%). The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. With Brazil being one of the target destinations. You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly. And what ever your situation, rich, poor, work tomorrow, day off, tired, or bored, do something special now. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries wont be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away. As an extrapolation of trends show things either moving towards infinity or falling into a black hole. The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset.. So that the fishing rights of Vietnamese fishermen next to Indonesian waters will be policed, and secured? Devaluation of the Dollar with an out of control American Congress. Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. DEAGEL Report Predicts Massive 50-80% Global Depopulation by 2025 James tackles a question he’s received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is (or is that These forecasts from Deagel are officially sanctioned and used by most U.S. govt. It recently released a shocking ve-year forecast. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war - Despite the numeric data quantity there is a quality model which has not a direct translation into numeric data. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. China, Russia and Iran forming a unified Asian block. But they couldnt (for the life of them) answer why Australia of all places would also have a large die off. That means that almost 230+ MILLION people would be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT from the American continent. With reorganization it is hoped the US will be smaller but stronger. The government of the United States will do nothing to help, as they sold out the country and the people to these two countries long ago. A deactivated Soviet-era SS-4 medium-range nuclear-capable ballistic missile. 3) The THIRD EVENT is the destruction in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from an earthquake. And people, the USA is very balkanized. Just say Hi. Though, not precisely the one that is coming. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. At that time they never could of imagined the QUAD set up by Mike Pompeo, and that the Morrison government would wholeheartedly want to declare war on China. The location of performance is Saint Charles, Missouri, and work is expected to be completed by April 30, 2026. }); Appreciate that OG. But first to stay in power and control means staying alive and keeping more of what they have. Deagel's forecast is shrouded in mystery as to its use by the Government. And of coarse, the same people that rushed to get the shot are expected to have their kids vaccinated form COVID. This contract will repair the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) missile guidance set. Not everybody has to die migration can also play a positive role in this. In this scenario, the United States breaks up into four separate nation-states. .responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column.av-26r4dvu-a4835d8bbbfc0273f8ca8fd7d20e93f7{ They do point out something interesting. It also forecasts demographic evolution of 189 countries. (We are not suggesting that the other 17 are safe.). Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast War, Population Reduction, and the Whether there is a nuclear event, or a bio-weapon event, no matter who caused it, or who instigated it, America will be absolutely and totally devastated. The LAST EVENT TO FALL will be the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS which will cover the earth for that time. If you cant make a buck, the system collapses. The 2014 strain of Ebola has a death rate of 50-60% but try to imagine what would happen if there is a pandemic of Ebola with hundreds of thousands or millions infected with the virus. An only one of them remains The United States. The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organisations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. An interesting statement regarding the forecast was made by the authors on Deagel's forecast page on October 26, 2014. The Deagel forecast has predicted global depopulation of 50-80% by 2025. By all accounts, historically, the massive drop in population at this time is validated by the Fourth Turning predictions. Deagel 2025 Population and Output Forecast Revisited | Essential Guide One thought that nags at me. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. In the 1980 . With resistance came the asking of even younger people to take it. Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. As a rogue agent, the USA will find it impossible to impose effective trade sanctions, as an act of war against any countries population. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. Instead they are stronger than the Western powers because they are actually quite homogeneous. We could if our nation had a civil war and thus were recreated a new nation. Even if I chose to st , @perolator 2 things about your dream which came up in my mind spon , Our leaders in Washington and the collective west in general are l , The idiot morons already shown their powerful ability when they tu , Today's Shootings are the norm. The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. padding:20px 20px 20px 20px; contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. Fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $32,486,160 are being obligated at the time of award. After COVID we can draw two major conclusions: The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. The USS battleships being hit are NOT A SEPARATE EVENT, but rather at the same time as the City of Philadelphia being struck by bombs. Its not America first but America, England and Australia (it is one entity), can never be second. There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. and so has AI devices used in trading. With this kind of pedigree, Deagelshould be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely adisinformation asset. The quality factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario from the stated 50-60% rate. September 24, 2021 Lynne Johnson. Thus now kids are being ask to take it. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. US contract I believe ran out in 2013 and now struggling to pay off the amount due. (and BlueNarwhal) I especially appreciate the message at the end of this post. Heres to spending what time we do have on this unstable rock as wisely as possible. Greater world wide farming technology means that less food is exported world wide as well as more counties grow their own with limited water. January 29, 2021. This move has shocked the world. Remember this was the one that showed the 2025 population for the usa as 100 . James Corbett offers his thoughts on the matter in episode 80 of Questions For Corbett’. From what I can gather, most of the SEO nations fare pretty well, all things considered. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lock-downs will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. The global appeal for peace comes as a top Chinese diplomat warned his country to re-examine their promise to only use nukes in retaliation, in response to the new alliances forming in the region. Today on TruNews, we discuss a new prediction by the publishers of military-analyst outlet, forecasting that 233 million Americans will leave or be killed by 2025, and societal collapse, and nuclear and biological war with Russia and China will cause this dramatic end to the United States as we know it. Evacuation Vehicles, Military Trucks, Mine Clearance Vehicles, Missile Launching Vehicles, NBC Reconnaissance Vehicles, Nuclear Trains, Recovery & Repair Vehicles, Reloading Vehicles, Surveillance Vehicles and Tactical Vehicles . The site is a grey-web site like MM. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast. And where did it go, anyway? Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. By the2010sa forecast for2025predicted a reduction from 307 to 264 million in the US. Alarming Charts Show The Number Of Americans 'Vaxxed' Aligns Ominously Except, Way Back Machine is here to tell the truth: They also want to move their own people in, so it would be best to have a smaller population to control. After COVID we can draw two major conclusions: The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. Most Western nations will become a Hellish fiasco of zombie movie proportions. April 23, 2022 . I have been thinking a lot of the Deagel Forecast for 2025 lately. In the end of the road, one of the scripts youve detailed will materialized. All of the AUKUS stealthy fighter jets and sophisticated nuclear subs will be located to pinpoint accuracy and eliminated at the early stage of the war. I will quote less than 50%, you can follow the link to read the rest. can also play a positive role in this. It defies rational understanding. The reason is the same old, same old, secure international maritime law, uphold human rights, and secure global democratic values, maintain the American rules based order. International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Most of the IS-Bes who are incarnated to live in the AUKUSs lands are determined to be destroyed and not allowed to reincarnate/reincarcerate on planet Earth. Metallicman DonationBasic Donation - $10Big Thankyou - $20Real Appreciation - $50Ask a question - $100A Detailed Explanation - $500Benefactor Support $1000Other Amount:Please kindly enter any notes that you would like to attach to the donation here: And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP stor y, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got ' nuked ', disappearing from the internet, though . It does not matter. Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional dead host vaccine. Great post. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these countries wont be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. This is partially because they are poorer and (obviously) not diverse enough. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset. Limited to making up the shortfall between taxation and government spending, America was lost when the federal reserve act was passed in 1913. One deviation can bring about an entirely different outcome. With this in mind, let’s revisit the frightful Deagel population and output forecast from 2014. I know you learned something from this experience and will make better, more informed decisions regarding service providers in the future. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. As for the nuclear submarine fleet, Morrison projected that the country should have a portion of the submarines in the water before 2030. It was only a matter of time before nations realized they could manufacture the stuff. DEAGEL makes a remarkably grim forecast that few seem to have noticed. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. Looming bubbles in just about every facet of American life. If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well. Thus we have rat ( politicians and the wealthy insiders) jumping ship. I think that you will love the article. You may notice your life is just a travel bag. Item(s) 0. While we'd reported just days ago that the mysterious website had 'gone dark' by removing all mentions of their 2025 'forecast' for America and the world, a 'forecast' that darkly predicted America would be wiped out by then, losing well over 200 million people while being transformed into a 3rd world nation, we were not prepared for The early warning missile defense system out of Huntsville, AL will be rendered useless. The UK have four nuclear powered submarines that will be cruising off the Chinese coast. Population forecast for Australia for 2025 is down 35% to 15 million. var other_amt = form_obj.find("input[name=other_amount]").val(); It was swiftly removed and no traces were left of it. Participants of the meeting exchanged views on the current international and regional situations, security challenges and further cooperation of military security. Last available archive of Deagel 2025 forecast(April 17, 2021), 2014 disclaimer about forecast(the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct), 2021 disclaimer about forecast(Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.), Is this leaked info really Trudeaus crazy COVID plan for 2021? It’s also a point that these projections need everything to go exactly as planned. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8681-19-D-0008). If they switch to China they can get a chance to stabilize but will need to depend upon the management of their own resources. //insert the amount field in the form with the custom amount The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. You need to login or register to bookmark/favorite this content. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. Just another site. No profit is to be generated. If you think it is bad now, imagine what happens when a roll of toilet paper costs $20, A hamburger cost $100, no one is getting cost-of-living increases, theres hardly any gasoline. So that the miserable Mericans can blame their frustration on those evil vile Communists. As to the article, yes it seems the mRNA vaccines, with all of the deaths and injuries, could be the depopulation vector in the West. Cheers all. .flex_column.av-26r4dvu-a4835d8bbbfc0273f8ca8fd7d20e93f7{ Ancient written prophecy using I-Ching binary computation shows the coming naval battle in the South China Sea and Taiwan strait to be in the year 2022-2023. I was thinking of you and just wanted to call. Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. No, The Yellow Stone magma chambers are not connected to the mantel. You said The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war. New capital will be in Denver. The date and timing all agree with the Strauss and Howe model for America. if you have no family, and you dont want to call up a friend or two to go out and grab a beerjust because. United States of America. Population. But the population left in what is left of the USA will be better off once the dust settles. A 70% kill off implies that America would indeed be thrown back to the bronze age. I have tried a goodly three times for new patreon videos and then when it came to, Raising a little one takes a lot of time and commitment, eh? Its hard to believe that we are now over three years into theCOVID-19 fraud. Possibly got other crap in them though. Period. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 on-wards. The threat came ahead of a meeting between the US, India, Japan and Australia dubbed the Quad, in Washington, host by Joe Biden. I dare you. With the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. The Order of Events The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. The world seems to be going into a tail spin. projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of, population and output figures. This is why the old and the sick were asked to take it first. The population is so decimated from earthquakes, tsunamis, famine, economic collapse, Yellowstone supervolcanoes, Midwest and coastal flood, pestilences and nuclear destruction. The West will completely collapse. margin-top:0px; US Air Force to Repair Minuteman III nuclear ICBM Missiles Guidance System Through 2039. countries on the planet, and very severe reductions in some countries ( United States 65 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast, Germany 48 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast). nation-states will collapse, restructure and reform. Learn a thing or two. The sneak first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. I wonder what the other two are hiding. September 2021 edition, Boom, boom, boom, or meh, meh, meh you decide, DEVASTATING Chemical Explosion In Palestine Ohio After Train Derailment, Getting ready to sew up the New Beginnings section and start a new reality, The USA is still a kicking and a screaming, [daegonmagus] Part 30 A Report on the Operational Characteristics of the ET Craft I Piloted, Scenes from the United States cultural revolution, Choose wisely the one who you wish to marry.
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