1. \text{4. Financing activities} & \text{b. tells NY desk to sell securities collecting payments from banks by reducing their reserve amounts. 122 cards Real Estate Real Estate Principles Practice all cards Appraisal defined as an appraiser's Opinion of Value. If the house is 20 years old, The appraiser's estimate of the age of the house based upon its ongoing maintenance and upgrades. An individual who inherits property by intestate succession acquires title by descent, A gradual increase in land area when water gradually withdraws, Fee Simple, a life estate, an easement or a defeasible or determinable fee, Rights and obligations of both landlord and tenant in the leasing of residential and commercial properties, Additional capital or property included in a transaction to even out the exchange, potential income of a property that is derived from rents collected in a year, May be organized as limited or general partnerships. Deed that offers the most protection in which grantor fully warrants good clear title to the premises. usually have a initial cap that is higher than the adjustment cap. 16 pages. in a participation loan if a lender collecs principle and intrest and shares in the profits when the property is sold. Activitiesofmanagementengagedtooperatethebusinessj. We are equipped to help anyone who is seeking an exceptional Real Estate education regardless of schedule or location. 4. local maps, indicating location of subject and comparables Frequently asked questions most reasonable price a property should bring in a competitive open market. \text{8. Fraudulentfinancialreportingaccountinginformationintheformoffinancialstatementstodecisionmakersoutsidetheorganizatione. Cost does not equal value Principle of change Change is constant, and are always effecting value Principle of Anticipation zoning, highways. most conveyances are voluntary. A letter from a title insurance company in which it commits to issuing a title insurance policy on the insured subject to certain conditions and requirements. Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights), Was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 22, 1944. is comprehensive program provided returning World War II service men and women with many medical bene ts, educational bene ts and low-interest loans to help the veteran assimilate back into civilian life, A special form of insurance which is designed to allow lenders to increase LTV ratio. If tenant moves out, owing rent, and leaves personal property, The government is the original owner of all land. . maintained by HUD, Dodd Frank Wall Street reform (consumer protection act, promote financial stability of the U.S by improving accountability and transparency, CFPB (consumer financial protection bureau), consumer protection for mortgage related business, non financial comp, banks, and credit unions of +$10 billion Acodeofconductthataddresseswhetheractionsarerightorwrong. transfer of title that is a free act of the grantor. Over 500 million tweets are sent per day. The loss in value of a property caused by factors outside of the property itself. The absence of competition will cause prices to increase in the marketplace. The evidence an individual has of his or her right to possess land. The consummation of a real estate transaction in which all appropriate documents are signed and the proceeds of the mortgage loan are disbursed by the lender. Havingenoughcashavailabletopaydebtswhentheyareduec. The purchase agreement gives the purchaser a seven-day period in which the purchase can be canceled. Acodeofconductthataddresseswhetheractionsarerightorwrong\begin{array}{ll} ___________ 13. value added to improvement exceeds the cost of improvement. Fraudulentfinancialreportinga. helpful info about the cost pr mortgage settlement charges caused by abusive practices. high supply, low demand, prices go down, presence of lower priced properties in the area will cause a decline in the value of a subject property. the value of a commodity if influenced by the cost of acquiring a substitute or comparable item. The government's right to tax real estate. The TREC residential contract forms are: Drafted by the Broker Lawyer Committee 2. Having enough cash available to pay}\\ purchases "pools" or mortgages. The battery life drops to 7 hours when the phone is primarily used for Internet applications over cellular. \text{Revenue}&&\$5,000&\$160,000\\ The staff at Champions School is top notch! Formerly known as the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Fannie Mae is the largest investor in home mortgages today. Income approach Analysis federal law passed in 1974. doesn't include: gender or immigration status. the only limitations to title are those listed in the deed. used in most real estate transactions. stating the exact nature of the estate being granted, metes& bounds, lot& block, govt survey system. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) enforces what Acts? method of financing which preserves the low, existing interest rate on the original note. Associated Board of Realtors - helpful for residential buyers' agents, return on the property when it is sold for a profit, method of raising funds for the purchase of real estate, passive increase in the value of a parcel due to market forces, potential income of a property in the amount of rent that would be collected in a year, additional capital or property included in a transaction to even out the exchange. 8. Bank owns it now. Money that has value because the government has ordered that it be accepted in payment of debts. \end{array} Infer What might keep a State from accepting a categorical grant-in-aid? tax-free capital gain of up to 250k if they lived there 2 out of the last 5 years. provides the consumer with assistance securing hard to place or niche sources f mortgage money. uniform residential appraisal report aka fannie mae form 1004, Freddie mac form 70. value of subject property is increased by value of surrounding properties, absolute adjustments made to the comparable, considering those that are +/-, if similar properties in the market are selling at prices that yield and investor a return of x%, potential rate of return(income, return on investment, value), certain rate of return (income, return on investment, value), subdivision that includes locally owned commodities and common facilities. Champions Real Estate School Review - Investopedia Such as the oversupply and consequent drop in demand for a particular kind of property, government actions, such as zoning changes or condemnation proceedings, and proximity to undesirable land uses, such as highways or factories. The lender transfers title back to the borrower when the loan is repaid. someone who processes, underwrites, closes and funds his or her own files in his or her name. The Board of Directors of a publicly traded company says that a proposed amendment to their bylaws is possible to win approval in the upcoming election because a poll of 1505 stock owners indicated that 52%52 \%52% would vote in favor. (2) The Cost Approach, Earn or renew your Real Estate Sales Agent or Broker license. 3. Describe the differences in producer and consumer surplus, and in overall social welfare, that would occur in each of the following scenarios. Comprehensive Environmental Response, compensation, and Liability Act. Certified Residential Appraiser Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain is called: fraud 3. & \text{$\quad$whether actions are right or wrong}\\ estate for years Over 90% of our business is driven by word-of-mouth referrals from Real Estate Brokers, Sales Agents, Mortgage Loan Originators, Home Inspectors, and Appraisers. What is the probability that Bob receives no tweets during his lunch hour? allows funding of the repairs through a series of draws. ", "Amazing staff and instructors that can help streamline the process of licensing or your continuing education. Principles of Real Estate 1 - Term flashcards - Champions School of most important aspect is that cost does not equal value, most important aspect of principle of contribution, cost does not equal value (for exampleswimming pool), forces acting on a parcel of land are always affecting the value of the land, the purchase price is affected by the expectation of future appeal and benefits. right of govt to take private land for public use. Loss in desirability of style, layout or function, loss of value of a property caused by factors outside of the property itself;over supply, consequent drop in demand. not related to va. 30 year fixed rate loan, financial and administrative resource that helps provide essential services and affordable housing based on income, right of govt to control the way land is used, area of land separating one land use from another. improve but don't over improve; improve property when the value added by the improvement exceeds the cost of the improvement. 8. limits interest rate over the lifetime of a loan. Is the gradual loss of land over time as the land bordering a river or stream washes away, missing "links" or breaks in the chain of title, The original conveyance of land by the sov- ereign is usually done with this document, Historically, when one was interested in acquiring title, he or she would ask an attorney, or abstractor, to do a title search that would result in this. preserves low, existing intrest rate on the original note. insured against loss resulting from defects of the title, types of changes in the ownership of the property, changes in property may be: involuntary or voluntary, transfer of title with the grantor's consent, given by the grantor or grantee. Property for Sale in Hesse | Germany - EW RealEstate very likely to be contested. legal procedure where secured property is sold to pay unpaid note. & \text{f. The ability to earn enough income to}\\ Postal Service (USPS) has a government monopoly on home mail delivery, but several private companies, such as FedEx, UPS, and DHL, compete with the USPS for other types of delivery service. Champions School of Real Estate offers salesperson and broker pre-licensing courses and exam prep for salespeople and brokers in Texas. Champions School provides the education needed to become a licensed Real Estate Agent, Broker, Loan Originator, Home Inspector, or Appraiser. 2 categories Residential Loans are divided into: If a residential property contains ____ or more living units, the sale is considered a commercial Liquiditycompanysmanagement4. Financial accounting} & \text{$\quad$obtain adequate funds for beginning}\\ Terms of each contract are as follows: As his adviser, which contract would you recommend that he accept? & \text{i. Escheat, right of government to regulate and control land. origination, loan processing, underwriting, close, fund, servicing, Residential Mortgage Loan Originator (term mandated by the SAFE act), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; signed into law in 2010. 1. history or list of all owners back to the sovereignty of the soil. used to clear up cloud on title, no protection, no ownership claimed by grantor. combination of two or more properties into one. Demand is great and supply is short, prices increase; supply is high demand is low prices decrease, lower priced properties in the area will cause a decline in the value of the subject property, Absence of competition will cause prices to increase in the marketplace; increased competition tend to bring prices down, must be sufficient demand for the property for it to have value, If a type of property is to abundant it has reduced value. Once the loan is closed it is sold to another lender. 5. respa applicable. Theprocessofgeneratingandcommunicating10. a. % of the lesser of the appraised value or sales price that lender will lend. Here is what they had to say! higher for smaller properites, conveys an interest in real estate from one party to another.
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